iEridaj' 8.
( m . ï
^teüi -fpaee over it, ’Ûle- men who towed us could be of ho fervtce,
and'tKé 'jutifes' wete dragged forwards very fiowly by boasts. g
P'The continual inteffeâfionof canals, with the fucçëffion o f lakes
,àtid rivet«, may tófuppofed' to have perplexed a more keen obferva-
t^|n('than mine • .ar5d, ig .the exfiraordina^r fhcceffion ’ bf.'dbjçâis, I
smay not have always been corjeét .as to the exadl character of the
prater on which We failed^ the rivets may-have föinetisöïesaflbmed the"
form- ©f cânàlè, and the canals have fometimes expanded into die ap-
n ^ a ç c e p f rwçrs'i hlÆ i f f f t oiddfat.any'tiiÂêfhave miftaken.ihe one.
for the other, either from inaccuracy o f dbfefvation, of the hurry o f
fthe moment when f-Wrotepthofe remarks from whence this? volume iii„
formed, fitch an acei dented cireumftance tjvili.aot -opéra^/as t o the more
pqrHnnb.r and important information o f it. 1,! fhaU'not, hoWever,
.héütate to eonfidef It’as a very noble river, whfc&rbroiight us beneath
(the walls o f Gffiunôpâung1;* th^ wfefe’ crowded with-* its
f a f e :^ d & ith e ftream foon ^b|«ras firctatÀ##»1
-wàs vi&- opportunity .to obferve whether it had any eiieBmftaace - of
.novelty worthy of record, s
A t noon the ju n k s camé to an anchor in the country^ When his
Éilcefleficy fentifift feveralsperfons* >of his fbife, to inform them of'■ the
regulations which would .take place on their arrival i t Hs&qg^hew*
that they might make the necefiary arrangements.
Jo.w.S :
All the .heavy baggage was intended to he forwarded, from Hoangs
<tchfew to Chuian, in order to he put on hoard the Htndcrften, and
convcyed.by fea to Canton. It .was accordingly ordered, that no per-
fon fliould retain any thing but what might be meceffaiy for prefenl
nfe, as the junks, which .would fhortly receive us, were xfocf^affifciently
large .to carry heavy ’catgoiss.
*. * ' I
I f ^oj7’| ) |
i It was alfo fettled, that Lieutenant-Colonel Benfon, Do£ter Dinwicf- t 'm - t
'XlexAn Jy T ^V oWm accompany O b tain ^^:kin,toih;^b ^|jk)vember.
ClfSfan W t V V ^ ’Jt0
were alfo ta k rttn i ^ p n ^ S ^ c n tk m c n . The l l | | | | j | fuite were
4p a^omnan} b.s lmdv.ipd th i f ^ b b e r .
The country, f ill continued to be as we have for fome time deferibed Saturday 9.
it. As we .proceeded,':' and the country became more unequal, the
"pagodas, which are almoft always placed on heights,, feemed to multiply
; and there were few of them that did not reach to feven or
‘ eight dories. As for towns and villages we never ceafed to fee a .continual
fucceffion of them; and w hen they did not co\ er the banks of*
th^appeared ata~d*^inic, w |e r^ !\c nugh^fepp^ethern,
to be reflefted by fome other water. !
At ,thre? pip k in tk& |fempnn, 'tW fl^et :
country, ne^r theJkoje^ wfe&hAe grand m,anjarp^ ;Q y 9 - - -
TadaeJn,- came j£®fl4 tp each j,usk^ the njvncrs^f which he ordered
* efence, ^dfafiar- a^ortrexawn§ioA/r f^ ^ a ^ % ^ % F f
one-of them to be, hambooed: 'though. I ^coi^'dticv-r-leaFn'the offence
W.hl6h„producedyl^s^xamelf,cf fwrmwy jv ^ ic |r . }
Thi&'monyng the air was extremely, cold and piercing. We pafed *s™day 10.
^feyera-1 ,ptantatl«nsfpft^k)w-trees,, -and .arrived at Hoang^tel^y, <i|"the:.; 1 s>
' afternoon,, wheft the wholeleek came to anchor in the pripqipjal part .o f
the, oityn.1-%
The junks were now feftened together, and orders»wetojffied to-
forbid any perfon. belonging to g g |n ffiore. Indeed; as it
appeared, to prevent any attempt df of JChu?¥fe-fol--
diers pitched theii: tent-s'in the ftreet o^pofljejthcj^ls^and formed a ,
little camp there, to do duty over the emhaffy.