Friday 13.
Saturday 14.
Sunday 13.
Monday 16.
T ’Ue^day 17-,
Friday 20,
Saturday 21.
Moderate b/ee^es' with-rain.' Employed as'ifcfifife,
watering. '-'A. M. Empfeped’ ' detfingf,ffife
the t-ep-ifiaft rigging*< *
Ditto tveather. P. M*-' Sto^d^ d 1!® tftfe %8SMteldwl
darin with. 3 guns, afld-'^ihpjfertor ^ e% ith Y f r? A . •M’T'Pt&iffffrd
Henry Moj^Js^ featoin, ¥2 kihcS,*^^ *
L%htteeezesan€i.eR)ii&y: A’r?iye#fe^n<i&V6irt Hfig;.I 5??:‘^T ? 'The
Endfeaitobr M uW m th ‘reiuiJntd>V'®sreraVfetf ^tevi^lshploygd
ftarting it' ; iwajed^iip-the^weryafds/
and royal mafts, rattled the “BfSd t t sHP
the Hindoflanil '
Moderate breezes. Employed watering.
Light Wihds-anI cloudy. P. Mi KecC^ved bread- from1-theHindo'ffatt:'
A, M. Seat the launch to the JaelferiV affifiliih^-"llfe Bb3h|iid>n
- ^ o fd whhcWt -tB# harbour. EmplbjkdJ flailing the coals and rattling
the rigging. Fired d t l P4w#-dP*fl£gttnsd3Sfofe the Emperor of
GHifla’^ birth-day i Isdlfed a* bullde&ad&tpgoats. ■ i ■
Moderate and cloudy. Launch afiifting the Jaclcfl] j at' Midnight
freflt breeZca and Tcpialiy, with violent' pPals IpL-thtadef' and?ffifde'-
flafhes ofd lightning; 'ftrucfc tfef royal rhafls* fbeurdd dlk IpMiftps
and magazines. A . M. -Yhwls» watering. $
Dittoi weather. Yawls watering; -got royal. tfiafts UpPn-'d'eeltj'flriiek-
yardsi top^mafts and/ top-gadlant A . M. P&ojfle employed
occafion«By;-rCeeived'-ftbm‘ the Hindbftttrt bee£*aftd pbrit. “
Light bieezes and clear. Employed ia^the^ftbiih&ld^'^idMrs^ih1
-the larboard hd#p sfedeived; 0&JobaM> beeffdrsSk^'theirtfiaflcfea,
add water per launch.
Ditto weather. . Employed flowing’ theaftfchold; ’ Iaianeh artd ya^Ib'
watering, received from the Hindoftani beef .atid pork. A.. M .; Received
frorndthateeffoatmealy and ftpur; . cooper .tephiriag this heads
Of the calks. Scraped the larboard lide;' 8
Id^ftt breeds and'cfehdy1; Entplbpsd 'flowfegt'dwsy ' prbvifiblrs,
coopers fas before, A,M.CIeared hdUlhylaufKh%SCefiftgi3
4 - 1 ’ ’ •. '
HjuwwwS M ’ ify-Gittfan-ifarkwr.
Light breezes,.;:an:d:. cloudy. Caulkers as before. A. M. Punilhed
Jeremiah Harriqg|onr, fpgpi^n, with 1-2 lalhe<s :,for-infolence. Goo- Septemfcer.
.fpaBt,and tcMil]j:ersrras.bejfojp; l^p^d^.jyad ya,w}s. watering. Eecetygd
bfg^d frca^^^^-Hibdf^tel'jd'
Ditto weather, fipSkpis.. on, the l^boar^ fidev; . received psas.&om Tuefday 24.
, -the Hipdp/l^ttJgr^ceiye^|rw^pef-.J?ajater^p^hQ^t the fterm A M.
E^qeijved pork* h^f^atpa^^j ^cj4 ii9ur»: fsorn the H atloftan,
Eidli,.4ga^!s^and«lq:yalhr. J(Ji@eophy|a^^|paihle^^-5v^^i^i'e• ■ A . M.
Empteyg4>'£&&my ® 5 . re^ely ®dr ^puh^ks^ .killed -2,. weight
4261bs. ^
Hitto, weath?Tf People anc^ g^|^gfcp,^) A> M. R<ejs;oiyed rum Thuriday2&.
from the Hindpftanreceivejd yjater;ion;board.
Mpd^a^. apd Jh^ejyed beef\ jpp jerk, .ffonj the,Hin,dodan*. Frk%-.a7..'
painters a^opl the lides, caulkers and fail-makers employed, people
||9g&sJb^n^Qaen|edta bullo^ai14i^#i.2L ^ ej^ f i 4^%lfesi- AaM.
Pteceived-. - the Hj » dAf t a n ! ; s p o c k , i.a^id |
Launch and watering.
? aiptfff§i :P#hp?S'>r^pju^^ .thevGla- Ssi^rdayaSK
. ijepee’.s. fail^jr ^ec^i^pd-ppafbj oatmeal,., ^sd flour , from the Hin-
Jdoftan.' . A . ;M'.”%Recei^ted vinegar,^bie^^ and por& fropti the, Hjn-
: ya:ad|^
Frefli b£ee^s>rapd, «dpudy- P./M. Completed the 1 hpldis j ' received Sunday2^.
3 bullocks,, killed 2j., wjRj^t.3yi^bs.., oreceiy^ from- the Hindoftaa.
■ bee^ pQtkf»c.hlht>, and..vinegar., Yawls,wa,te^ing.
Ditto wegthsj* pjitjpscs, painting,4the .g^n^. A.,M. Carpenters,,re- Hsndayjo.
pairing the launch on fliPto,, people, pppiting-the ends o f .the cabfes, '
reqeiYied;Jb^ej,d frftiU.thff.HHtslpltan,, ferve,d-;vinfgaE-to;^he people. ■ «
tlyfgdgfate and/fair., Gupneis^ a^ btefore,^ carp^qters,,. repairing-;the ©Sober,
^launch 1 killed. ^buIIoGfes'; jpfilbst.. fct up ti^.foie, and main, rig- Tuefda? *'
-glpg. 'A<.M*\,SaiJrtoak^ asyh^op.. a
M adstW®: ahd c loudy with rain,. Received. ^v.bullocksj. 16 goats, Wednefdaya.
at^^ypp htuidlss o f weody falutfed a .naandarin vrit^v7\gp^KMcuved!