\__|%efh.:frtepfe?fwi;th raiq. Carpenters converting die main-top-maft
b^Tda™^?’ into a foregone. A. M. Arrived the Clarence.'
Mender i».’ Moderate and cloudy. Dtiid’M ij. lyawls catering, fvtaygsé; .a|t t$p-
■ gaUdnt-mafts, a süfetupthe ri^gSig: yawls watering; <
Tuefdaj 19. Moderate and hazy. P. M. Yawls as before, carpenters repairing.Jhe
Clarence;. boat, fail-makera repairing the. foref&il,: people7 paakiog
rope, failed .the Clarence. A. M. Rove; newfore add main-top-fail-
braces : yawls watering.'
Wednef- ’ Fiefh breezes and fair. P. M. At T ' höjibed top-fails, fired
■day 2°- ^ (hot to bring to a vefïèl in Ihore,' fhe. öiewêd Englilh colours,feint
a boat on board hef. A. M. Mufteted at quarters,* found thefhip
- 3fivihg,dropttfrebeft bówer,. earpenters rppatfing the yawl- .
Thurfdaya*. Frefh- brèezes'aiid $oudy.. Pi M- At 1 firéd a
br|g «rider jy®èri®a%cófrauss, fent ah dffiber to examine her papers*
and found fhe belooged to the ifte of-France, named the Emilia,
Dumift and Roufell, merchants: oft thé féid ‘iftand* laft from |p<§.
K .W i eéatftirf America, with 271 fur Ikins onboard j detained .feer
as a prize, fet>t a-petty officer and 7 men to takmehafge .of her.' fR t
hatf-pa%« weighed the beft bower. A. M. At jth e prizefifed 3
mufquets, fent a boat on board her,- found her driving, feciircd £cr
with hasp&s^ & c. ~At 8 found our Jhi|r driving, dropt opCi$eft
hosier.? the yawl that was aftern o f the prize,.was loft,, the-officer
brought he* ftem on board.
Friday*!.’ Frefh breezes. P. M. At 4 hove up beft bower,^pippjtyed
making rope. A. M. Found the Ihip driving, dropt ftyst beft bovver.
Half-paid: f ftreefc top-gaBabt-mafts, made the, bawfefj the p*ize
was riding by. faft to the £hip through the gun-ioom-poyt forwarq.
Saturday*5. F refb gales and cloudy- P. M. Employed working up junk; at 5
anchored the Clarence. A. M . Tbe'CÏarence drove, withj^pehors,
-a-, head : fad-makers repairing the fore-fail.
Sunday *4. Frefti breezses and cfear. frail-makers “repairing the maira-feilj^hé
Clarence weighed her anchors, fent hér under the fee of TCbdow
Chow for fhelter. A. M. Muftered at quarters. .
■ Frefh hreezes'ând-cll&h1'' PeqpJe^nâpIcçyed occaftoaallj?.'* A. M. Weigh- t ^93> >
■ ed the beft'hpwer,. and i%ted théÆOaftipg’cable,‘‘let'go the fmall
'bowér,”yaw 1 , vatYd*’pinnate cieep^n-gfop*the end ©f the cable. Caft'ofF
' the Prize.
Mqderate and ,dlear.r. . .Keye-iVed' 9 feame’n and a>ifr©y from tbe^dfréftce ; Tuefday *6*
« yawl abd, pirpi.acé'ïasHbeforeit fed-ainakorâ repairing ésurfes.- Oe-
parted'this’ life Tnoma Stcw.yd, lcamanT A; M.yComrhtfted w
jf bodyjof therieceafed to tîte. dëép.
jDitta Weather. P, JÆ. ■ Ÿà^yfs, apd pinnae; bè^iiféç tnc^ng fsrthe Wednt%
endjpP^f&e cable, whiclP theytg^t employed feéùrmg1 it. A. M. .
-■ Prize brig f&pthe Typer, to label-the prifimers 'at Macao.
Eight breeZOs “and fair. P. M. A t 5- hove up ftie i'beft^qdwer,, and Thurfday*®:
Ï warped the fhi|fto the coafting anchor, got Abend g f the cable! on ‘
hoard, and weighed the anchor*-made fail. * At halfrpafty^, came! ta
fwfth the befh basher in 7 \ fathoms water, Sam Coke,1 E. by S. %
A t Yawls watering, bent the qoafting cable, J'the iriner
end tp the ahcjioir, waftied below. ’Arnveâ the Emilia.
Moderate and-cloudy. P. M. -Ay 3 weighed and ftooa in for the Friday ^
watering ifland,j but fallifig little wind came tô again with the heft'
i. ,;bower in 5 &thdms water, Sam-Coke,-E. by S>. 'fail-makers' regair-
nia^^vconrfes. A._M. Yawls watering.,
•Frelh. bfréleS and cloudy. P. M . At 3 weighed and flood nearer to Saturday 300.'
* Sam Coke- A* 4 cam? to with the befr- bower in1 6 fathonfs'^atex,
■ body e f ’Sam ..Coke, E -b y S. 1 mile. A. M„ Stayed the mails, and
fet up the rigging. 1
Frefli breezes abd cloudy. Small boats watering, fail-makers repair- rtecemüen.
I j n g 'ebBjrfès- A-. -I^È ^Caulkers about the water-ways;.':
Çitto rvlffirér. Employed occafionally. A -M . Empfoÿed knotting Monday 2--
yaths and .making rope, fail-makers repairing p e o ple
employed oegafionally.
Frefh hrèezes and cloudy. Small boats watering the Clàîènce. A. M. Tuefday 3-
Hoifted dût tfië launch, fent' ' a* ked^s Michdr ‘arid hawfer on board
flic Priûèi Barpëntefs fépairin^ the pibhàci^ 7