( g » l
inch, as :£o: induce.the .Eaft. India Company -to Forego the' profits.:.o£. a
September: .new market, and deterred, them .from dripping any goods For fale in
.the.Hindbftan, as being.jdeftined .to attend japon therfembaify, the dignity
and imp ortance-of\ which;, .in the prejudiced eyes o f the Chinefe,
would be utterly loft, and Ithe good Confequences expedted' fooim-k-,
..even on commercial,points, totally prevented, i f any adtiial tf^gafa^jóns,
.thoügh^fof ‘■ trifles, ‘f e r p u r p e f e ’c>E"j>3sai, fhould -fee difcovered
. amongft any of the perfons concerned in conveying., pr attending an
;Afwtwi^ft4»i-.èfEii»dikhf-.ihiÈ reportwould• JoBbj infifliMyIWflMnto a
géneial fyltem.of ^trading. E r om’thï^ .ftridtnefs hi£ Excellency v^till
willingly relax whenever fuch advances lhall have been made by Éiift
in negotiation, as vwMI feoure the objedt of-his miffiofl; ’ apd when 'a
permiffiopfromhim to an European,to dilpeft éS a iy part-icidarlartidle
„of merchandize, lhall be eoafidéted a géahtèd to the Chinefe
pkrehafe. ' JHÜs ExcgJknCy fe btaind to puiïifhs as- far in hilh
Ees, any .the flighteft dei^tïbn ftölS this ïêguföflS^;-he vviH'éafily
have it in his-pb«^ fo « o ïlo , In jtegard ro the peildns jmniediutely
in his train, or fervièe. Thé dilcipline bEthe navy wHTamder it
^equally ealy-to Sft Erafihus Gower, in refpedt to thofe under his irh-.
mediate- command; and the Eaft India Gompatly have, by ljreir bitter
.of the jfh o f September, 1792, and by their letter o f the JBth o f the
fame month and year, folly authorized ■ hte Excellency to tnforce
compliance, with the fame regulation, among tlie officers of the Hin-
doftan. A copy o f the faid order, And ah ektradfc froth*tlie laid tetter -
here follow, in onfer that Certain Mackintbffi may. the
fame .to his officers. jHis Excellency depends upon him to prevent any
.Jbreach or evafioji o f .the lame among any o f his .crew.
A t a Court tf.D ir^ o rsk eU o ftW ed b fd ^ i the jt h ó f September, Jfoa,
“ Refolyedi
M ’jfhat the Right Honourable Lord Vifconnt Macartney he ny-
'M thorized to fofpend, or difmifs the commander, or any officer o f
^hc Jfciindpftan, who lhall be guilty q f g breach q f covenants, or
( ifor )
'** difohedience~OT^oruers "from' tHe-TSec!;et- Committee, or froth his *793*
"^Excellency, during the contindat-ion o f the embafly to China. September.
^ ' ' - «® W. R AM SE Y , Secretaiy.”
Ertthtflfrom t&Chdirrrtan dnfDeputy Chairman's Letter to Lord Mb-
~cakmey\ SepfedibetJ-1792.
w The Seicrdt CitomlttMllavthg' given offlers WC&ptaiii Maekintofh,
of the Hindollanffib puf himtelf teimrely.undei- your Excellency’s
’difSSftiffi^^sTO®^^m®^b^m&efl3iy^fd|i*ufe*pu^ofe of the em-
bl2ly, '>iwe' haw"’j'hclt51^ ^ ;^p^yr^AhiC'infl±udtibnk,j and ‘o f the
“ covenanti^mcl'i he liiis»cn^^»,into,. together, with an account o f
S^H^privat^ and thatpOT • nis there intention
Whatever,' *bh-the part "of the court, to permit private trade in any
.0 dSbfij&brf, on'plaoe, than Canton, to',which the ffiip is ultimately
^Seftined, uffiefsjrdur Excellency is fatisfied that .fiich private trade
“ .Wjill nqglprowror1 detrimentPtfPme' dignity and importance annexed
■ *ro to. the -^^'affyfmrjftr the'corifequentes expedted' therefrom, in which
‘ ’Life..your confent irt* writm^uecomes neceffaiy IS authorize any
ve^dffitilerciliE traufadtiofr 'bjT Captain Mackintolh, o r ’any o r his
■ ‘rf’d!ffira'|f^sfi explained in foe inftrudtions from'foeSecret Committee.
* Bdt at we cannot be todgiiarded with refpedt to" trade, and the con*
feqh't^fts'which' may tefultTrom any attempt for that .purpofe, we
“ hereby miffiorizel you'r 'Excellency'fb '.fufpend, br diftnifs the com-
“ miShter, -of any officer o f the Hindoftan, who lhall be guilty o fa
breach of covenants, or difobedience o f orders' from, the Secret
v?^.Committee-' Qr^from 'yeyr Excellency, ’ ’dufihg‘ the continuance o f
“ • the prefept embafly.”
: “ His Excellency takes this opportunity of declaring alio, that however
determined his fenfe of duty makes him to. forward the objedts of
his miffion, and to watch, detedt, and punilh, as far as in his power,
any crime, difobedience. of orders,, or other behaviour, tending to en-
* » Y | danger,