. *79*y_
•Üay 14,
e y
"The .CisRiton -fiver is fa^'welh known, that it would be not only
fuperflüöusy but impertinent invt^Si ^ add Mother defbriptioa to -the
many which have been already given o f it; - .
Lord Macartney fended ar Macao, and was- -received to dinner at
the hat& o f the Governor, I® the afteriMOnhgwAt to the reftdeRce
o f Mr, ffeunaaa»iid?»-i«d.öf?Öïe- fupercargoes o f - the Eaft India <3om-
pany, wbesfehis Lbrdthip refitted «haring his ftay- ati^spfece. Here
*hö gentlemen--of t|te feveral Edropea® -/s^tariesv-feave idteir feparate
fjMÉ t l l Ü», J&rêp'w not fkfièred to remain at Canton beyond the time
neceffary to prepare cargoes for the fliips oflhdr*i®fpe(aive iia-
Macao is fotoated -m 4 r-o «degrees o f eaft longitude, and: about
* a degrees o f douth latitude. It is a pfeee of'foiftè ‘ëüëiënt, and built
An a rock. The hotifes are of;ftönej and conducted on the plan of
European architecture, but without exterior elegance: the ftreets are
-day narrow and «regular, as they take the unequal furface of the fpot
on which they are ereéted. The publicT>uftdmgs confift :6f 5efeurches^'
convents,; and die fenate-houfe, which terminate ^ ^ o n ly fpacious
and level ftreet in the town. The Governor’s hoiifeis h tüated on <be
beach, oppofite the- landing placé, aid commands a heaatif# ptof^
peéf , but is not remarkable for external elegance or inferior ite&laöS
modation. CoiUiguóus to ilfs.-tbe Englifti foétory, a^plain^commcr-
dious hailding • the other factories are in the fame -ftyk; and all of
them furrounded with gardens. The upper parts o f Macao command
very extenfive views of. the .fea and adjacent country. The harbour
is very , commodious, :and fhekered .from the winds* but will feèt
admit (hips o f large burden. The town is defended, in all diredtions,
by ftrofig forts ‘mounted with heavy cannon, and gamfoned with
Portugfcfe troops. The fea runs into the harbour, through a narrow
channel between the Ladrone iilands and the town, and forms a fine
bay behind it, oxtending at kaft four-miles, when it is bounded by a
neck of land that feparates it from a large river. Here the Chinefe
have a fort that looks towards st^iQ Foifuguefe tertiary, and'it isjthe , ’m ' ,
principal duty o f the garrifon fo- pfevAt ftrangors /r^mf puffing.'the J»W f
limits o f it, J>Jo 'one % fuffeed -to' -swaJk gp t-he peck of lapd{
nor is any boat permitted ^to ap,pm?i.c-h tjha£ J fide*of the ihoxe.
There is a {mail, * pre't'tyM|Sf in the mid'dl&o^-rhe hay,, which .cot^
tains the habitation o f z nfead|®>^who frequently refides ’thefe, but
IseMom vi-fifs the towni-
. Macao is geneiMly fi%©fed to be fttuated o n ^ d f lSM i hutAsr
fa£t il'1 othbf wiitef niff is ■ there much fepaca.t8& i t '
from th^Chinefe'fertitor^. 'T h e ‘ \^idle t fe !Pb’ftd|uefd p ¥ -
feftions dbe's not exceed four miles andmgth^ and one mile ^d'.airhalf
in breadth': the limits .of which are accurately determined, .aid. cannot
he gaffed without danger.
This place is divided in its furkffiaas® between the Portuguefeand
Chinsfedver their rafperS&ve people. T h e latter, however, «aouft veiy
'heavy duties' of* $|f goods 4 nded, or fhippedyiC® atecoMptoaf ArSiuroi-
pean fadtories. There j j^ "Governor, and a Judge, appointed bytfcb
dokirt o f Lifoon/wh© have ian-.arbitrary power vefted in tbem,ljt-oAthe'
extentof their jwifidifiieEu. There is A h a Portuguefe cuftom-houfe
and quay, oh'Aetfouthfode.of the town, where all fei-psjeemijtiig intotfaeibay
^e®b^ed^ payaAflje. - Theteiaforhofe^nore Aan‘;.two huhr
jired iandlp^ tirrepean feibdiers for ttedtefbwtertMMi» place, who are
weil -clothed,, and whofe .pay i s very much -advanced -on theix arrival
The relidenee of Lord Macartney was,^tb of rireAoft beautiful
that the imagination can cqnceivA, It -’was- fftoph >■ - .but built, iji\tne;
Sngltih manner', w A pteafu^e grgugdfc jffg®n®d^E|b^
extent, boaittifully, difpo^d and. planted, for ^prjifpegfc!.and,At .fhadg-
Tbc. vlew-'whNihi -fWBWIlds CQmku|igs,Aa gepqft dehigh^ful &£■
river and fea, -of cultivated iflatid, and.,moun,tainous;AQtS- ,