Saturday 18.
Sunday 26.
.Monday 27.
was ftripped o f , till -it« warlike iretture. - This - extraordinary and
unexpected -cH-ounaftantee wâs", however, ’explained dû a letter, which
We’"found in tóe Ch ie f’s feut. It was written in Chin^fe characters,
ïütid expïéffèd the apprehensions cif ' the iflanders at feeing öur fliips in
their bay ; a, fight foey'had-ntevsr beheld before. Ir fhort, this appearance
was fc formidable to them, that -they »éStidTâded -oar d e l f t s
muft be hoftflê^ andin order wh&h;tó®jpinfik
gifted UI to have meditated againft them,;tney had, during the night,
conveyed -away their efiedfes, and retired- tb thé mountains. The letter
§Éf> reprefented their extreme poverty, and implead us with the. moft,
humble expteffions, ttot to btttn or deflrby"$heir 'huts, as they pro-
pofed to fê-îùhâbit them as fetorfas thë rqûâcïrotï had failed. We,
therefore, returned to the fliips as we left them, wfthöut ’hurts, -or
fowls, or buffaloes. ,
Heavy gales, A t four in foe afternoon, fquaffy ; at eight, weighed
àttehori and time to fail.
Having piaffed in foe intermediate time lèverai iftands of-different
farms, we, this day, faw the extremes o f Pulo Canton, an ifland
ó ê foe coaff o f Cochin China, bearing north by weft; to north*
.weft by weft.
A t nine m the evening anchored m Toron- Say, in Cochin
China. Found here a Portuguefe brig, who' jtilufed trs with. eleven
guAS. .
T h e fhipY company employed in watering. The water here is o f
a reddifh cokmr. ‘Several proas came aïohg-fîde foe Lion with dûçfcs,
coooarnpts, aypd jogbry, for fale. . Several mandarins alfo came on
board to fee foe ftiip.
Men were fent on Ihore to raife tents for foe fick.
Taefday 28.
1 T h e Ambaftador .was vifited by feveral mandarins, with % gfaat
train They were entertained ' w ith. Wmes and liT
^prert> pfliaribus hinds, winch,f liowevSS^S they were- J e a lo u s
in, taftfog,-.tilL jfcord M$ca!pjj®y, ban^hedT'aU apprdhen0cfh> by fetting
them faff example ^ 1Kl,v fhtn. drink,4 uithput «whatever
wa-sl -offered to Vfoejnl,;* i\but ‘pjae^'fappeared to pipfel^ cherr^\and
rafberry brandy, abo\c all rtue > othu liquors with which they were
regaled. -
■ May.
day 29»
The drdfs df foefc pcrforis'’ifon'fi’ftcd chiefly p f a JbMIc Iobfc gowh;
of^a kind o f crape, with filk troiyfers, Uppers, andsar.biagk turbart: a
girdle,'of filveyf-cordage, ’Was'alfo tiedYoiiijid’i ftMir waifts. Some df
foem, but whether it arofe from accident, or' was a badge o f dif-’
tindtion, I canaot tell, wore dark blue gowns of foe lame,fluff. The
domeftics were clad in a plaid, or Tartan dr^fs t their trowfers were
tucked up to the knee, and they wore rtp> Ihoes or flippers; their
legs were entirely naked; and their • turban was o f plaid, like the reft
o f their very curious drefs*
In the evening, the Prime Minifter o f the King o f Cochin China, Friday 3 ii
came on board the JLion, accompanied by feveral mandarins, and a
confiderable train of attendants, to requeft the Ambaflador’s company ■ f
to: dinner, in'itjtg name if-th e King, who had givenShis minifter a
fpeeisl commiflion to make this invitation. It- was, accordingly,
figftifiedto this diftinguilhed perfcnage, that his Excellency received
the rtieflage with foe utmdft refpedfc, and would, in cfflnfequencepf ft,
go on fhpre'on Tuefday morning, at ten o’clock. -
After this coiference, the Chinefe minifter, and his fuite, returned
in their barges, which were decorated in a very1 gaudy manner.
They were faluted on their departure from the ftiip with five
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