1 ■ | ' m : j
In the fame ftreet there were alfo feveral erefiions like triumphal
arches, where the mandarins ufed to come^eleery'day^tMlit 'in ftarfej
'and, aswye were inforhrdd', ta cönfim^nSKie• ‘affairs^f'Ebe ci’tyl '
Monday ix. No circumlïance ó f any; rrioment happened from this time, till the
. Thurfday following,j.which?s;Was'1 the- dayvof ourdepartnte-j -and the
bufinefs* df arfanging and dividing;.' the^i^g^ge^ acbordinjpjIFtOne
ürdêft iffüéa for that purpofe, did not allols?' uohüch leifurc fbr'oblilr^
vatiobV’i f any rhifighad occurred Of Jattemtiori: but, the truth
js, nothing did "‘occur, ‘but the neyar-ceafirig uprèar of the inhabitants
o f the city, who weie continu^[ytnockih§ Vó the junks 'tÖ+taKe'“a mèfyr
On Wednefday night the attendant mandarin p'affed^thrdd^H1 all* the
junks, and rcquefted that,the different articles o f thc-bSggïgc ihcnïld'
havhlhe refpeëtiyeinamël offChufan, -or’Caiïtbnï wmren*.ÏÏpöfi' stheno,
according to their refpeótive deftinatiön'; which' w&i%ö
- pleted, ihah -fhofe configned to the former place were fêdt offttyJèóMle{P
to the depot appointed to. receive them.
TheAmbaffador ordcrtd ten dollais to i!?Jf given tortile SMieis,of
each junk, for their jelpedtive crews. ,*
Thurfday 14. Lieutenant-Colónd Benlbn, Doótór Binwiddie, Mr. i&éMadërv
with the fervante and mechanics already mentioned* fef off.th&*m’orh-
- ing, to proceed with Captain Mackintofli, to join the Hindoftan at
C H A P .
( a®9 )
7‘he Ambaffador, _■with>, his fuite, procud through the city o f Hoang~
tchew to the Green River. ( where they embark. Formalities on the
occafioh. t Qircumjiances p f the voyage., Dpfcription o f the country.
Refpedl paid 6» the fnikafafor. Leavefhe junks, and proceed by land.
Mode o f conveyance. Return to the junks. %he voyage continued.
T h e Ambaffador," after having.received the farewell vifit o f the man- . ty93‘ .
darin of Hoang-,tdhewi fet off, with his whole retinue, for the Green ^ v^ lber‘
river,, wjiete, they were to embark in junks o f a Idler burthen. His
Excellency was earned in a palanquin, and the reft of the fuite in a
kind of fedan chair. The guards, commanded by .Lieutenants Parifh
and Crewe, preceded the cavalcade.
1 On palling through the city gates, the embaffy was faluted with
three.guns. , • The diftance between the two-rivers could1 bof be' lefs
than feven .miles, the whole o f which was- covered by the dity and
Ijiburbs of Hoang-tchcw. The ftreets were lined-, on either fide, with
foidiers, or it Would have been impoffible to have palled, from the
prodigious- crowds o f people, whom curiolity Had collected on the
n J h e ffreets o f this-'city are very narrow, but, well paveds and the
hpufes, which arefwb and three ftories high, being ^ifcumiy built o f
brick, have a very neat appearance. .1, The warehoufejs; o f the merchants
exceed any I ever faw, both for lpleridor and magnitude';
while the IHops are fitted up, both within and' without, in a liyle of
the greateft elegance. Their goods, whether jnclofpd in packages, or
dilplayed to yiew, were dilpofed in the mpff pleafipg and > attractive:
. E'e - . V mode