( t2l ° )
, , thepkfltfje föröied b y Jthfe bofribinition o f them. When 1 men-
Dfieembsri tion that I have feen forefts and 'garaens,' mountains and vklliè&^tté
palace and the cottages, t theyéity,, and the- village, the pagpda and
the mill, With a variety of ftibordinate, but heightening circum-
fiances, in one view, I certainly inform ‘my-reader's of the cofifti-
tuent parts o f the profpeét; but to §i|?e them' the lead: motion" o f
their actual arrangement and' relative fituatibn, o f their propor3
tions and contrail, o f their general diftancet from the"-eye;^ and comparative
diftance from each other, 'ts ‘ beyond any'exertion' q f ver*
hal defcription.
A t a large town, called Yoo-jenn-au, which is, fituated at the fopt
o f a very high mountain, die river on which we had failed fa Jqng
communicates w ith another equally capacious withitfèlf. ^Phe fitua-
tión o f this place naay be -in -fome meafore conceived, when we con-
fi3er its pofition at the influx o f tWo-f&rge -rivèrs, both pouring their
llreams from rpountainous and rocky ehafms. -whofe .decMvittes are
enriched With wapds " o f various trees,-and -adorned, - where'théy aïë
capable o f receiving ornament from die hand o f Wfj w k h airy build-,
ipgs and hanging-gardens.
M y euriofity led me to éxamirië fbveral hqufes- whichjwere-,building
at this place, when I obferved that fhe Icaffbldihg before them was
conftru&ed according to the principles which the builders and brick-»
layers of our own country employ in fimilar erections.'. ,
We paffed an j Hand which divided the river into two equal channels/
and which fome mandarin had made the place ofpccafional retiitment.
It contained an elegant, houfe, with groves, ^nd gardens, and formed
a charming cMtraft to the Ihores of ‘ïèck and fand, 'oWeither fide of
the water that furrpunded it,
Cl 23r )
It will h e fufficient to add, that the country never appeared in a , «79W.-
more beautiful ©r romantic1 drefs, by day, fince we entered it j and the December,
ç fy ;o'f Kaung-ioo-foo, prefented the moft brilliant illumination we had
feén by night.
• A prefent o f fruit, cakes, and confe&ionary, concluded the many
complimentary attritions which the embaffy received .at this place.
i C H A P ;
'■ ■ iÊsmmÈmÊ.