( 7* 1
*/Q3‘ t mandarin'at the end -of riie iine. This mode of? fif tog* faliltes' 'the
Auguft, Chinefe/vety .fehfibly "adopt to »prevent aceidepts^tohferving, at' the-
’ fame' time in their . l e ^ &t^t/f it, that a lqadecfr gun' TOo® nevei1 be
•levelled, biit'atffie'ir efiei^es'. ' In me management of artillery and
fire-arms., it is not ,t^''Ber:Cfuppofed' that Europeans can derive^ $ny
one improvement frorri-thfe 'inhabitants o f the ■ eaft >-hilf w e v ^ i f a i ’ow;
neverthelefs, thatwery melancholyand fometimesjfaKl 'accidents are
Tbccafioned from’the want o f fimilar angulations^ By the,'dlS^harge: Both
pfgreat* guns and fmall arms on o’iir days oflpublicdejoicirjg.;.
T h e hotifes, Fcattered on the banks of the river, *were | chiefty-Built
o f mild, rarely intermixed With, fome ;ofra better.form,- WhichfWfire
ionftrudled .o f ftonq, tod finilhed with great neatpefs.j producing a
very pretty effeift, as we palled them, fromJhe -water.
T h e women at thefe places,' h i whom.-w£' Yaw great 'numbers,
havefheir feet and ancles univerfelly hound-with ndl tape,_to,prevent,
.as it is faid, their feet from growing.of the natural fize :Tq yejy t!ght
is this "bandage drawn round them, that they walk with g it‘ t di,1 -
cuityj^and when-we confider that this extraordinary practice |bvhr
mences with their infancy, -it- is rather a maftfer of furprize that, they
fhould be able to Walk at all. I f we except this |traxige, management,
or rather mifbnanagement, o f their, feet, ahdlheir head-.drefei jthere’is
ragjgj! little djftiadtion .between thedrefsof the males anitiemaks. i :
-The women' -wear fheir hair combed back oh the crewn jlf^he
head, and fmoothed with ointment: k is* then neatly rs lM into-ajfcrt
-,y,jj>f xlubt, and ornamented .with artificial ffowersvapd large .fflver PW :
Jthe hair .on the back part of the head is doge,up as,tight 4S ppfljblc
and inferted beneath the club. Ip every other ..refpe'ife- their yWfs
.correfponds with that of.the men : they differ, indeed, InmethingJrdm
that of the foldiers, which has been already deferibed, but that they
hear no arms, have no red borderjan their .clothes, or tuft of hair on
jfheir hats.
» ' 73 1 1
■ As fants I- Cbwld jud|§£ b f 'the »length of this* lay ’s/Voyage, it could
not ha'-^'exteeded t Wdhty-fqfl&.miles'j in thd fefctole of which foye reC3-
koned'^UpW&cd's .pf^fix h'ufsdfed junks th'a® j&ffedMis/t and. I mayday,
W-ithQut1 the1 feafi^ifeap'of^'ej^a^etatijoni, that We faw twafce that number
lying ^t^krichbr- j ‘'hbr sfhklBThefii&tii >'■*# add,^thatl' orfvphei rtf©,ft mdde*1
r&fe- Computation, we beheld’ at leak half a
| ‘The- rivet, b'efides' the variety ^nd-ex-teht *’bf!ht'^|BWJgafion,-“is4'ln
itfelf a grand* and beadflfuIWbjdd:,- ’ and ehrreRe&'with ‘an eqpSJ.diftrL-'''
biitionf of 'rich'an'dl jiSrfrarefquc/fceheiy: it^b80Me Waves' iW the: fineft
mfeafidefs yyt'if bank's Ion either fide are adorned witnelegant' villas_ and*
delightfursga^d|ns^/‘ Wm|^lh‘ev.m'ore'diftant Couh£iy'dffers‘ the inter-'
mihglM*^>r6fpeH bffpMidid cultivation and landff&pe beatify'/* ”
The fle,et came to anchofclofe into the fhore .at eight o’clock in the
The gdngsivW ufual, gaVe the figh'al for Weighing-anchor,'• and proceeding
on ofirvoyage. The weather’ Wa& extremely hot^atid fukiy,’
' and the countfy continued to wear that appearance of fertility, .which
had hithertd diftinguifhedit.
: We’for the/fir ft time faw fome plantations of the tea tree,, anobjedit
which was rather inferefting to-'the natives of a country, whefe, though
the climate Will not admit o f its growth, ithas-defcended, from being a
luxury, into a neceflary of life.
* The tea tree-id# of a dwarf fize, with a narrow leaf refembling
myrtle. It was the feafon when thefe trees were in bfpffom, which the
Chinefe pluck and dryi; arid the yoimger the bloffom is, when
plucked, the higher the flavour of the tea is confidered with which' it
is "mixed .
E It
Saturday io.