*7 9 **
THp volcanic mountain
very fteep and rugged) and in its &fcent, 'as1 well as defcent, attended?
Mth’ continual difficulties. *: IrifiiofC’ ^effiad M6t"witnl®ift£iBiy dbffallSP
both in going up-and coming'down it, thatHwo fignal gun's had been
fired frbih’ the Liofi,'!wfiiSff;iwith the Hmffpffan,siWe’r e ’bbffir 'under
weigh, when we<TeaeHe<l the £hore; where,* afrer ari’trderval^'qf no
eoriim&ri klarm and apprehenfiotir, wh’"found,a‘ B6ht;tHaf-r <;bftt^ed‘'%&'
on hoard. • "The night beingdark, >we Yaw "the“ names' of
burfting forth in fix different places;1 a‘t a -corifidbrable diftahce" from*
each other, which formed a grand and affedting fpedtacle.
It may here’ Be proper to remark; that the’ ffi’efffiometer/ff^Bjch/ bn
board, flood at fifty-five degrees, rofe off the' ifland tri ISyebty-
four; and, 'towards the top o f the mountain, to feventy-fe^n^tfegrefes
and an half: a circumftance which muff bqaftribiked to the heaff’e f
Virfry 15. ' ‘;Tffis three o'clock, a very large fnfeteor, dr fife-hair, rdfeffbm
the north-north-weft, and continued ‘ in’ yiew for tome ffuhi^es,-*
paffing off, without any explofion-, to the* ffiufjrfffifith^m?~1‘Tfi threw
aF'ltffid-df °lffiieffgftf btdr the fails and decks jrB&i the'iffuminteoff
was fo ftrong, that the moft trifling objerit could lie diffuighiffiedi't ■
Monday 18. ' A t eight o’clock in the morningdilcovered the Trial’ rocks,’ about a
league-to' the windward j tlid fea beating over them t<3 “an immenfe
height. asmey do ndl'fif8%Bb'feffib ful^
face o f the water, nor aredhey fftueh beneath it. t_THey are fitirated in
t fo Indian ocean, in about one hundred and fix degrees o f 4eaft longff
tude, and twenty-five, or twenty-fix degrees' of'foil th lititSde.' - -
Thurfday2S. In proceeding up the ftraits o f Sunda, we fawthe Hindofhn lying
at* aneho^,-near the north ifland. In the afternoon a Dutch prow cattle
along-fide1 the Lion, laden with turtlef poultiy, and fruit, fdr falfe.
The owner o f the prow was a Dutchman; but thofe who rowed it
were Malays, and fome o f them females..
k \
- At three o’clock i^e'afternpnn.we came too, in^Batayia^road^in
five ffiffionp;' w f e ^ c a ^ n i n g lüaçd bearing: weft-north-weft.
^ ^ rg ffa lu ted ,by all th^Enghih ffiip^ Freg J
VgfljjU A j l f e S ^ ^ ' f f W ^ ^ D ^ j ^ r i Æ sw itW n te e n çnjS?*
which wierereffirnedP'at|yen we returned the ofall the ffii^s ;
and at^eighVreceivcdl^rf^èys|)ÿthe Dpt^ dbuncil w fff the feme
ffOnaurs-ifi-Thoff gent^mepf .çompofedj a ,vÿ p g ÿ <m jfrom
k S S o ^ ^ I
a S n X fk e fû n f fn d V , ;? ^ ’ Æ K -i
ingv that being the a^ v e r fa ry^ |th e |i|h -d a y r
tffe -Princepf Grange^..
d At fix -p’cjp'qk in * a? i^s’iday *■
gunkvw i â r è d , in'lËiSôur'^hiy^ofenê
p o f i j e f ! ^ ^ ^ ôn'ffHoïe
with'the ufuat^rifial tties.
In 'a ftroftjtiiâe after Lord Maéartney'fiad quitté^ Dtftefri
d ffife ro fffilffife n , %lhMé#lddiel<anxl'i^ffitlfemëri,t èkrndMn%aâfffi
the L iorif%b!n Batavia,' W fake a view of her. weffe'^eceived
with all1 poffible politenefs by Lieutenant Gainpbell, and appeared
to be much fatisfied with their'fedé^fctOsk^»A Weïyâieyaung
' pfttgliffifady was*- one W'fcfe 'party,' 'âind ' enhanced the hpnodt of
' In '^fid aftefribbri’ 1 Went on ffiore ,in the l â ^ h * ' 'having, charge (d£
the bàggaige belonging to the fuite, which was, with fome difficulty,,
rowed -up the canal, and fafely landed before the door of the, royal
Batavian hotel, where the packages were diftributed in the apart--
merits of the gentlemen to , w hom, they refpeaiv.ely belonged.. The
Ambaffador, with Sir George and Mr. Staunton, were received at the,
houfe of Mr. Wiggerman, one of the members of the fiiprcme coun-
M l