I 40 5
' fréhind-fhe houïe there%;■ a--l^eföüs'ig^êry*wïm fiifeiaf/frb'm
alienee a' large fliade o f filk, • fancifully' paihted withfrgüiésrand' 'gr©4
^èfqüë chars^ëfSi©ccafionalïy few^iÖ'fnthë'd^ias^è'héjaicf-i^:“
fun may têquire, and in the evening- it is-entirely droppee^ wbknfrfe
galleryi'-is lighted up ^réldy
defciribed. - Beyónd- this- -gallëry,- {hére-ii a:court -pkVëd'^itfo Isitgè'-nat
■ ftöïiës, and fuSrcsanded witfeu vartetyipf dfHfets # l i'i)c>tiltërëls, hutchWsi
and other• d#tfiêfl:ic: üfês* With a -fpacióus ;kitchërt, iönd fevery-nèceffai^
-öéeOmmódkion, . The upjSerLfloiy1 óf-ttós;fangë;ofdmMS% it^Vided
into granaries and chambers for the principal and other Haves*-of 'which
ihere-are- altogether at leaft ninety, o f both Te£és, whö bëlèng to the
tnafterof the BotUb; iThefesmSsial perfons are prómotsdtaecóïdmg fo
their merits-.? - and, riflhey ate; ^duihjSaès and;-attentivrto:|he ^duties.lóf
khein ievetoal idqpwtntftetsiu they -may, .from the; eBapluments!joS'.thdar
p>riatinnj -whiohmre taery.cdnfideraMei Afe fooririn a see^irioi talphife
acbafe their .freedom.' : .
In the^greaf hall, on. th/a . &fhüoorfr wbifch ferves as m«eftibiyde. St©
the fleeping apartments that- furround it, there i$ a -cbryftal lamp
yeplenifhed with cocöa-nut bib,- always burning on! a thbleiafe the door
.of each .roopi, which . is ready-:fox -the perfon - who . 0cmpi.es lit,
at whatever time he maycbufe tfrfcetire to his repofe j ^siit fr ibe eufi-
tom o f the hotel that eyely oris fbou]d.;keep the Jkhy dfrhis .oyln roosa,
as a feeurityagaihft the Malays, ..who ate o f fuch.ari jhcprjigible Rathi:^
that: no puiyflunent pan vdtimajlgfy detgr. ihenf from jhdulgM% ..their
jdifpofition-to pilfer,'
’3The . public regulations of the h©ufe mfemble.thnfe o f Butepban hostels,
and, the table which was kept f3r the Amhaffadorls ftrite rMs.vêif'
fuperb. ^Tbe breakfaft always confifted of'tea, coffee*chocolate,- arid
bocoa, with everykind o f cold meat, broiled fifh, and eggs'; döwhiëh
were added, jellies; fweetmeats,anddipney, with .various kinds o f wines
and confedtioriary, all furnifhed in great abundance, and arranged
jin the handfomeft manner, froth the dinner and fupper confifted
( • 4 t )
ri£themoftdeKcatevdifhes;|a^i dreffei^ inaa? Juperior.fbLle of edok- w y
ery. T ie fervants fa1?le was alfo fuppliedwkkK equal propriety and | March,
plenty's! ,4;
■ The ratetof living here, however,* is vriy exgenfive, and the,prices
of* liqucir&.-very^gxGHjbitanf«,: 1 fmalljbeer a'hdvpqfeer.vw%eifchai%^|^lf a
«fowti Janglifli per-^bottfe.. '.’■Buthjwhem the jn.adigiaUs. 'ipik 6ff,tfris
hotel,.-amounting^ as*:,tfclandlordhitefelfralfuied mefrit'.®- fixtykkou-
J&ndriix-dpfkrs .pen-annum,, hndpthe .expehfe^^irii|)Ortin^ liquersnamd
ieebimo4^^i$iiih&a|iat)%L pother®,' is^oassh?
jdffc'j- ■ 4s; |fr>y v'^g5*M Ai#j- ^%u^iQn5^u^^%fego®b©
jegar&ed ekhep^kh ku-f-prife p^fkfGoptpu.ti,-.
The drefs,^f"the "inhabitants of Batavia takes;itstifefrom the cuftom^
4of thrifi^|£peftiyfj; flcdunt^ies^ &T^?;EkirQpean ’ladje%, s;inc^ed,.ifjpem
altogether governed,-by .this ^inc,ipl.e, but -fgag ^ir^drdles
.to .jtheix own, ppeuliaf an,d th.e,;circum^:atices ,,qf^ t|ie>^lipi|tei£
while, the Dutch ajKfthe Pflalay? w.omenj, in, t^me^degpee; ;mitatef their
-fafhiprjs-^ Thefhead-dreip p f^ h l J f ttM»hfe9^ y S rk is jltoge.riie|,dife^.
grenjt, knd-of#. yery^qm^su^iappparance.— pT'befrgir^is .copcibeji paok-
Vard frdm the forehead, and fmoothe,d1y;ith1n ii apd diences ,in fu?qh
a rn * ^ # Sas to wear the appearance d^ b '& g japanned: it then
Jtwi fl-fifl hard .and .being. Ia^d ^n a <^rcujar:fj3rm, roun^jhevcrown o£,the
M y fiften ed ,h^ ‘ large cpinb with a numb^of*gpla^and fdvfer
o f ^ i c k Reformed pf pfeci<p|,^^es^ccofdin^g to
j:he .raiakmfv the .fearer;. Hair pojydjpr i s . v e ^ ^ Me^Jafed m Batavia,
*apd;bv the" Euro^S\s al^ie.^. It Wa^,» howevfer, with no Snail degree
'ofexmtation that f mw"the cfeci^a'^penority^which thefrew Mgfifh
rf]adies who reiide here, -priffefs^ over,,.eyeiy other denomipafion oT% -
v males, ^not; only as to Ae^gracefulnofs o£ their perfoqs, and thefr^eet-
nefs of their cpimtenanc^^hut, alfo, in the firpplicity o f their drefs and
the elegance o f their manners.
G Thé