kfefip I
r?9®- veiy mmch a'mufed on oftfewing feb ^dexterity spth which The fiaves
December, foamed :ahd unLoaded the’ tbkcges hhal fey >aJdfflg (dip f a n . "The rice,
•of which great- quantities Appeared tfebe .exported fcorn -this fet demerit,
«rasaJl \cdntaMed in amdireffled bullocks hides.
A* aTmaall chfhteee -fifena -fee city, -on fee weft fide ofvit, is-,adarge
■ cewsa*, huf-mbne teaapkable ft&r ftitetigtfi -t-han elfgance. Itftsibt&ftt
xsuBid fievfaeal •fuadftmgjtifer -courts,. pavedwife flajge fint femes, fer-
rounded -byqfiazzaSj, and kept -in a fistte tef perlfefil -cle&ilfeetfs. It i s
ddsrMedifiarOitwo parts,- eefeh eontaapirtg- kgreat number fofmpartmsaft,
each part being .refpe&ively appropriated .to a religious community.-.df
«either; iex. *
The perfengyuho t&mpo&d-Lnrd Macartney ? s fe k e were «indulged,
wifti #he p©raftffi@n to -silit -this <x»»*eflt, -and ?ftie s^ S ita®k ^ ^ o r -
tosMes ^p^hnsw^sout to them aw^riety p f little.elegant’bps^i©f their
iabr%r «Mbrifea# teven tihak c^fined v^ad devoted r^rtuatisa
ptoveftted them from knowing A e art q f mamftatftmifig .another kind
>^led^^ftf a&«a^>which <hey contfived tofeave'mohiifqjred
’to femetof ,|jaie«S|^ifti'dAca»r Thgy Oven applied to Lord Macaf^-
n e ^ b y ftae director iof fe e convent, for the -ufetof - his, baridfef mafic,
• bfccordmglyrpegfetrned • at. feveral witlfla
thdfe.feqjfed wafts. These is alfo a very ipacious garden, whefefep
raljgimis laches asrea31pj\®d tfeenjoy fifth recreation as they can ftbd-tffi
a jpJhce, furrdtm^d.Twkhywsafts - d f T h e i | f f a ;
which, ias i f 'they did arot tfama <a fdffidient feurify, are confirm tly
guarded on rttemutfidefty 'aparJytbf foiiiens. -....
On the negth-weft-fide o f the town there. is a ftupendous'aqued|i5,
. which -is .an objeci o f uncorrimbiiroirripffiy^ It is in -the form of a
bridge, Contains eighty arches, and in fome parts iis , atdeaft, one
hundred andififty feet in height; «anttis deeri,' in fome ipdihfciejf-view,
with peculiar effeft, riling, gradually .above fe e , «feftibfe buddings of
the city. This immenfe chain o f «arches ftretches acrofs a'valley, «and
«unites the hills that form it. The objetft for which it was. ereefted is '
completely anfwered, as it conveys water from perennial fprings, at
( n )
fee- diftane'e o f ’fivC miles, ’into thjg- town, where, by means o f leaden 179*.
td* a l&rge and« efega^J referveiir \i the be^ch, December,
dppjglite t^nie-^r^ra^’s p!u!ujc! '^'1 his u aftrtus"of«tlic, beft quality,
and iSwKhal li> Very; abn^’danl/ as noi only ft> afford an adeftpate
fupplfPfoir aftJ"th©:%ints> 4ft ,ft|e inl^bitants, brjt to furnifh thn ftdp§
that come intq, the haphnur with this .neceffaiy element..
The military efta&lMhmdnt ,at£ftip j^neirp-;'®; % yerg^fpecftablk
.footing. The' foldi’^ ’' are not only, well 'cfejthgd and di’fciplineft^'buJS
are allowed- to,enjoy aft; the privileges- of ^tizeps. Itt feems to he
poliCy-of the PortHguele go\unmcnt, and a Vcr\ uric oyc it is, tot '
ibhde'r-1 he* ii tugtron of the "foldiery in iMr? % rmn -
anly comfoftable 'in itfelf,, and-' refpedtahle in its charadjter, hut; in-
feme deg*ee,: , as | itpnld: imagine,, fee feume,’ o f peertoiary advantage.
-Thus the loyalty and zeal o f fee foklifets are happily fe u red in
a fttuatiori fo important from its value, and. «vigilance aad fidelity
in *feole who guard lt^jfeomfe^more necelft^i^hroportion A& its
remotenefs from the m®tthet country. Whether it is that their gay is/
proportionably advanced in the fejrfee o f thefe fettlements, or- that'
they are allowed any diftinsft advantages, I cannot telft, but’ifeey certainly
appear fo be in a. flats o f comparative affluenee;which, no ether;
feldiery that’!have ever feem or heard'qf can be fuppefed to poflefsh
The number o f troops, in Rio Janeiir®, including cayajty--and 'in -
fen try, amount to twenty thoufand men }. and fee militia are, ’atdeaft,,
double that number. At fee fame time the. place is- admirably fortified,
both by art and nature. IUs fituated about two miles flam the
mouth o f fee bay, and is defended by, nine ftrong forts, well ftipphed
wife- artillery, and iufficient garrifons. - There are aifo two- fmall
iflands in fee-middle o f fee bay, one at the entrance,,!.called Santa Cruz
Fort, and another at a fmall diftance, which ftilliadd to the ftrength
of the fixation,, and the difficulty of. at tacking it with, advantage. •",
Sir George Staunton fet .o ff wife a party on. an- excurfton to the'. Saturday 15.
Loaf Hill, a-=very-high rock fituated: on the left fide of the entrance
to. the harbour.j. and- at. five, o’clock in. the. afternoon,,- Lord Macartney,