{ 8 }
Lord Macartney,' with the principal pteèple o f the iflarid, wèrewery
handffimely entertftitod l^ th e Britifh^önïul, at dinner; and; m the
evening,. Mr. ’Scolr an Englifh merchant, gave a ball and fupper, in
hdrfo&rtof^His -Ltirdfhip, which wanted nothing, in point o f elegant
hnlp'itaiity, that hur'cöfin#yIélSfafford; The Englifh fervants alfo
pdtroéfe-töf ifie attèötihti paid t#'theirrLo!rd, and were entertained with
thegredthfS'plenty,1 a!nd in the moft agreeable manner, beneath the farfie
Wednef- We,‘ ''this morning, paid a vifit to a convent o f ladies,* ahoilt three
y I?" fnifes2f6 thb'eaftof Funchal. It is a-very hahHfoiïie bulltffig, ifituated
near fhe filmnift o f an hill, and in theTnidftof*vïlieyards, commariaöig
a^lhofl beautifuV'variöus,' and’ éxtfenfive profpèéf; comprehending
die Adjacent1 <huntry fcóvered .with gardens,“the-town d f TünchMl; and
an éxpanfife yierw o f the ocean.—rHere the nuns’ afeperntiftedtO'Chn/
vendweryTieelj- with ft rangers, whom they 'compliment with toys;
'land other articles o f their own manufacture. I faw- hmongCthem
feveral very pretty* women; who; as far as I couldjudgei by-their
dnahners; dteémed to-regret thé Ibfs of* that foclety for which they
wfeie forftied; and* tcf®tïgh -after* a conamunkation with the World,
which they Were ‘qualified to adorn.’
Hav?hg taken a particular v iew to fth is charming ipot, w;e pran
ceededT 'to‘ the oountïy refideflcC. o f the Governor, ^wheie Lórd Ma-,
cafthey and his faif^ 6ad>-been, ipviled-to. dinner.- ThisrxintertaitL-
ment jconfifted o f three very fpiendid couffes:of’ fifty difhes / and. at
lï-ceiiaiif p h t 1^ it; Lord Macartney propoftS tordrimk .the health o f
the King and the Royal Eirriity tof' England • which, being notified
’’ fignal, the Lion, '■ M-. that inftant, fired a royal falute o f twenty-one
gUnS.;- and.-Was. immediately aftfweied h y the fame number o f guns
-froin thte fort. The Governor then obferved the fame ceremony re-
fpeCcing the Royal Family of Portugal, which was followed by the
fame faltites from the Portuguefe battery and Englifh man o f war. A
very fine .difplay of fire-works concluded the entertainment, which
1 was
4 - 9 )
Was equally, to the honour o f the diflinguifhed perfons who.gave an<fiiE,x'7oa.
received k - i ** V’3 S £ T '
We-,,returned on^boakl';^where w e * found - feveral friars/ whofe ThurfdayiS.
cpriofi‘tyhad$efd them to tlke^amew'of the fhip 'where they were
that- . kindnefe ?and|jha%itaàity'.'àsbto ckll forth ’the niofl
gratefu,! expreffiojjs^a^d to-obtaimfrom fhern,. all ithey* had,- to give;
■ their repeated benediction^.1
;. The entire forenoon o f .this iday^ÿ/asi rèmptefed- in making prépara/
f^biçakfafl: inc Ithei ward-room; ;>to which'■ Lord Macartney
^ d invited, th^;^'dvernO^ ^|the-fi£an<i ,|^e;?Btitiflv^nful,': and the
principal,; inhabitants. ; This entertainment cohfified coffee,
’?pd;4c]^c©Jaté, ; G©Id mteàt^i©f>ja|!ria%ic|%i with. fruit s,- jellies,, --and variety
of^win^s: the \\holc. bein^d*e;e,Qr^l.ed‘1|vjth çfrpâtoen^^^QJ^fcélionaryè
About noon Lord h^icaltoey returned on. «board theraLion, with the
^fual' formalities, jand w a l 'fqoj§afo‘Mo wejdj-by the.Gove'rnor,- with, his
^IS^dajats^ in ,ye^plggg®t^£5ges.,- T h ff1?jihop o f ,,Euhg^ , su&am>
£$'4 jjje pjëqpfiom ti£h, Gqn&k; arrived $jjMl
t h e m . c | g ® ga*y.th^partoqk^ ^ e f^ a f t j . l u ^ n g , ,which' the
. drê? rA/ÿ-,%ïy,hes j|É£, England, and. Portugal; were, »drank
with becûmihgïcejemqny / amdv having taken» a yiew of* .the fhip,
«S/W »^IW^onvfhqte^j jrIn the eyeping> wq-j^eighed anchor./apd* quit- jjj |
ted Ma^e^ra.
A t five.m the afte^poop wejk^v .the extreme points o f Teneriffe* Saturday«*,
at piidnight,We t.%m eaft pp^^oh fhai-jfiand ; add, -eaBy in-the
mprnin g,«»fte!,od injfoit feed. ■ /*
à i ^ ^ ^ c i r e d in'fjVenty-tWïSîïfathom water/in Santa Cmz Bay? Sundsy«.
^hçré^fe, found 3 Etongft firigatoi who had called', here* on hmhbme^
ward hw«d paffagefrqmsihe Weft Indies; but,tidredn&quence o f the
revolution1 in, ».France,' » fhe was detained till the pleafure of his
Catholic Majefty Ihould be known, refpedting the part he intended
to ta^e /ivith the Qénfederated -pQwerSj then at war. with thé national
■ ’Ç ^ aftembly.