( i o 6 . ) ;
. •, acïofs their-fliouldersj and a balket at each end of fi>-§»hwlrich they ,
Auguft. carry fifli,’vegetables, eggs, arid other, fimilar articles. There are a lfa .
great numbers o f hawkersand pedlars, who go about with bags^lfoapped j
oniheir ihoulders like „a haiapfack, which contain varic^sjcipds, «of,
lhzff goods, Lthe folds of which are exp.ofed to view. In .filling ^ffiefe,
ftuffey they üfe the cubit meafure,of fixteen inches,.. Barbels alfa. are.
leen running about, the ftreèts in'great plenty, with every mftrumerip
known in this country'for fhaving the head and cleanfing ti^e ears
they carry with them for this purpofe a portable chair, a portable
ftove, and a fmall veffel of water, and whoever withes. totJ undergo,
either of thefe operations, fits down in the ftreet, while the operator
performs his "-office, . fo r‘which he receives a mace., ^yo^difilng^ifh’
their profeffion, they carry a pair of large fteelE tweezers, .- which th.ey
open with their fingers, and Jèt them clofe again with fomg jdsgfee gfi
violence, which produces a fhrill found that is heard ana cojjQdêjahk.
diftance; and fuch is their mode,ctf.feejdngt^ p lo y p ^ p t.i ,jTb&t tljis.
trade ‘in-phina is, a vuy profitable one nwj be pronounced, b e tu ig
every man muft be fhaved on a part of the head where it is impoffihlj^
to ffiavehimfelfe
•In feveral of the fireets I law perfons engaged in. felling off .goods
> by auction : theaudioneeri flood oh a platform jfiu3to.und.ed .with; the
various» articles he had to -fell ■, he delivered himfelf d n a laufk.»nd
bawling manner, but the finding countenances of the audience, which
was the only language I could interpret, feemed to exprefs the entertainment
they received from his harangue. :
- At each end of the principal fireets, for there are .n;©d fijua-res; in
Pekin, there is a large gateway fancifully painted, with an hantjdbme
roof coloured and varnifhed-j beneath" which the name of the fireet is
written in golden characters: thefe arches terminate the nominal-
ftreet/ Of otherwife there would be fireets in fome parts of the city of
at leaft five miles in length, which are formed into feveral divifioris
( $
b y thefe gateways. They are very handfome, as well. as central ob-
‘j j e d t a , and are 'tailëd iff'on each 'fide from1.the foot pavehiént.
\ The harrow fireets are- èticlofea-^f-’ekhh'ehd*vvith firfalPferrtcé^üfes,
which are" always fhut duMgithe *night j:'bü‘t ah the ckriftdmble fireets
are guarded bÖth night and day by? folders; ;WhtfWear fwóhÖb$ their
fides,' arid' carry Iortg tvhips in tHefi-hand^-tp' clear, thé firéèfs of any
uriconvenient-throng ofipéb^I^aïid< td ihaftife &öh-<as-,are refraddry
in ordinary 'decórnm óf’^óhd',hhha#i'^h‘'h?'
’ Not^ th.ftanding the vaft é x tè ^ h ^ tM ïp tó d e ^ 'there' is 'tó ë ijifn o
variety in "their Koiifes; as'T have before obfèn/èd’^ iitiïn fh treö ló h ls J
'vwth whith1 they are païnféd than
temporary booths-", -ereded' èht#el'y fói 'ektérM ffièw,4 ^fe^ithóhhariy
Vlew Wfirérigth or durability4.' R Tttd very r a ^ 'h M ^ ^ t o f ê an l&rfe
o f fnörê'than one ftofyr?e»VepPffich Js ’bhloh^-WfeaiÉaïih's; arfd‘ 'ëveh
<tfrofe“ are-cÖtêfed1, -as'“it ’were, b y ' flierwalB’wffi'Si’K re ^ b o # eyer^
hóüfe of building in Pekinf,'' ë k c è ^ a ’lofty;p'agëda7*afi# the irïipèrM
p S i H |
’ T^here afe^rw carriages ftandifig imthe ffi^ts4 ffir:thefcdriWffièricéVbf
the inhabitants j liMdTbtif hackhèy?/ebachfs’iri''LMdbh': ‘ ïhe!"highé'r
^ fife ’s .6$ ptfêffê^ép pklariquihs;- and" others <^I$MSih&fon 'have
"Covered' carts'drawn by diTfifile -drlfiulê’.
TKj^Jfinibn,'? that" the.’ ‘Chihefe women j are ^ lu d e t f from the vie#
^ f ‘fifariger^f^s0 véïy Kttle,!'if. !ahjy¥ourid'atiori;
mdtfe g j g j affembled to tee the c ^ a l f e ^ o ^ e l n g l l l h e&fetffiyi
b n f fM rfh d fth e iwhole at M 'W e ie Wömen5-' ^ # | r É ? |^ M r f i ( > n
o f' that fexTthah is to hé föèOTti any concóürfe of pêd|^e wfesmeunq-
fity affernBïès trfour own' bohfftr^: and if the idek isJf^ünded fn Wu3i,
that btiriofity is a pécüliar' charadêtiftié-of théYeriile^ifpofitioS ‘in
Europe g flia ll prefume‘^ | f ^ t h a t , from th f^ g e rn e fi' w f t m '
w f e ïtè a d n thé looks of"the Chipefé women ks'wépaÉed bjrÖiem,
ï* z ‘ tfiat