( i Bùi ) ■
. ber o f fipk perfons in tiferetinije ofl-fbe embafly, ' and tâ$*Ôpprehend
- the communication of »contagious^ diforderA*a®aagt*||0i$| fubjefts.
It wasaMb reported, [that^when the- b^fs'^mortars v^^feiçd in the
prefence h&h e Emperor* his'Majëft y 4.dpjii£|d thp fkili^p<|fegeRuity
~ dfhtihefe engines^ çfsÆftinîétiôn, but •dep’feMtçd-the fpimkof jk people
who employed-rfiena j ►’«QrfGöulïL;he.sc e c o ï^ S their imp^ÿép$mts frt‘
tht^fÿftçpyof deft ruction! to phe benign fpirit which* they rfîpïeft ntedâs
the foul‘and-operating principle of- their religion.-- ?
Many other reports % f a fimilar nature were ,prop&|pp|;£ Jb^ût. the-
reafon; affigned by the Chinefe government,. fpr thus, urging the departure
of the,Ambafladôr, wa%? the near approach o f winter,, when; thé1'
rivers would'be frozen, and the j oU^eydbO^Sapton, » through -jhe, tipr&r
them provinces, be crowded with inçqnygnigSce and implement. mà
. Whatever policy governed the councils o f Çhing bn -this^ctaflsln
whether' it .Was an enlarged view o f national intereft,,ig]iieb*at wras
fuppofed the propofitioSs o f ;Great Brit un would, not tuftl to advance, ;
OT aiiy dtfgaft or prejudice proceeSihg. fibm<-mifço^dué|, “and nufi
management in the embafly itfelL the manner jn 'vvhich'the^Amba.i^--
dûr wa's difmiflecLfrom Pekin, was.ung^io^^IatKl mórtify in *in the,
extreme. Fof even i f i f is "fuppofed to be a sjflhcy (if the Chine fe
government, that no foreign miryfter fhall befrec^'vech buj.on particular
and that he^is not fufferedto remain mWe C(|untry
when he'has finifhed his particular ^million ; it does not appear ,tbàt
the biffinefs’,rwas at all advanced whuSh Lord Macartney, wa& employed-^
tamegptîâtef and hé certainly woul^|tbf navetefttere^-into âi}y dumef.
tic arrangements, if he hid not confidered himfelf asrfeeufcx^rej^-iPr >
hag at Pekin througnout the winter. He çiuft .have been, encjjpjàgçdi
to believe thaï his reiideace would not oxny be permitted, mit acceptable
tet'hls, Imperial Majefly ; and that there was a 'very friendly dif.
pofitiöö, jn thé councils of China, towards/fhe entering into.a treaty
with Gréât Britain, rdpe&ing a. more, enlarged fyftem. o f commercial
interco.usfe between the two countries*.
. Th&
( g | H g
fcbisprefs^a*wiO-* tor J^ c n ih ’flK^tnm1i tin1- co^ritry ,'4ind‘ affair* irds tou oi^aha.
at o'f- ( ,k '’ifiBilfe?,n^«t*iporfell fh’s «in CtBi'‘L!aft?
v w^uired f and ‘the |
1, gencrahftate'‘o»^iit.6pfL3,'ctic',JTO^t^R)«{^1nifab^'iinknow n 'at the
. co&tt&Sf P p o f "w-as thm BflgKft a^Ch'hfan,-' hK^he
in .wliR‘h^^^si(Mh'ojv,#'’alfbgfether’fidfgbtten&‘f^ P EjK-
.ipcror himtflf‘fluy,riofr'S!m/’nlaniitlEt«.l,ta ldpedt fbr the Brmfli/em^'
h^®^fc#nei(gfdat ilsbi%ioife WhiGh'h]®l-''aceOrripartied its progiefsV
r, h^K®^cbve.re^atfrithp^i£ht‘d ^M to*- fe«i&$fe.-it by inviting it tdthkjre-
- li'den^d-ki .Tdifatyy when he ^aastftffeoh tb.return to1 Pekin: In
•tKere wls np apparent public reafon^jw&ri^heiAitrtbai&^S^^y^^^fet i
' why be fhqula'nothe permitted ‘fbtproee^ in mx( negoua-'
tion But,1 even, if 1ahy-,fha'ng6;‘h^.(§!taken- plahedn the'ntirfd 'of the'
Emptroiyoi ah} -prejudice arifenvagafinit thePe^tbWjf/ frbmfalif^ indif-
cretibn^fftifCondubt in ‘the '^^mgement of • it,‘' whiG'H:‘m%Mf!mduce
the cbwrt-'of China'’ to put an" immediate termination to it j \i t is wholly
irrecoricdeabi'ettq^ thexorhmc^rules of politkal decorum andcciviljt% i'
' as aslthe'pimeipl^haf juftice and: humanity, that an Ambaf&ddr *
o-f.’m much conifequenbe^as' Lord Macartney, ihould be difmiffed“ -un-
desMis^peeuliaf 'bircumftances; ^without^tKe lea'ft'ceremohy;;' lahfl h e
^ hot^pmy "ordered'**to departs without -aiknying 'the tlme^he4S&W to-
make the rbmmmhtTCT5^ebi''enits ;for--'his • jefurhey, hifi* ^TOreMTed‘?a
refp'itdonly^f^gi days tb hi§^ta^fet|Ib'^itatihns.^'Vl^0i(SftJ, wiei enH’1'
|i t^ied •Pekin"'like!^paup%rs^ -we “remained in it likd prifoneif ^'afid we
quitted it-lik-e'vagrants*
*-iF'luskd a y ,------Newman, a^rimnne,1 who, 'with 'three ©f ^Mcoifr-'-
| radesi“ ‘f®h|en take^ffrom ‘oh^jtoard- the- Lion, 'to-fill the vac^ffeifes.
.bc&afioned by the death of fome o f the foldiers belonging-, te the .em-
baflyddSedfJof the flux/•’’and'to -prevent tbis\ cirCumftahfee from beings
known» his, corpfe was; conveyed avyay in the night»-\-'