On each fide o f the canal there are two Tows o f e^gp^en^rfees,-
which add vepyifejae^Rto the^beantyipf>ithe;ftr<^ts,n -There areidfo -in
different parts o f each ffree-t, fmall fquarc buildings; with feats, in
them for the accommodation of paffengers, as ihelter or fhade ipay,b(e
hecefl&rj^ffram?' ffhd, wfbl&nee q f ’the rain-hr the heat'idf the fbffi
The only public buildings which merit particular attention, are the
'palace of 'the Governor-General, the arfcnal, the ftadthoufe, and the
high- p n I
T h e firff o f them forms a termination to the principal ftreet o f . the
place, its fore-court is handfomely railed, and the front •gate is guarded
by centinels;. This edifice is offfone, and ;of andrnppl^fesyppearanc^':
fts iorlfoiir ffqr&^'With a eeritral dome orow^d^yvith'^turret;:
there are alfo K r ^ ^ “ ^^rojedling'on either fide from the main body,
V ifh furrounding piazzas. There is‘a battalion o f foldicrs b.onftantly
on duty here, which conliffs chiefly o f Malays cbh^andMdyy^Ei^-
ppan officers^,. I faw^fcaff^-v luirppean ioldici^awfib, thougK^t|y
Were much hettbr clomed antra&outbed thanVthe"'mW^^uop^ have
Tudvaime^re, pale, and ghaftiy appearaneb^ g ,^ befmlt1 npquSiImM
3^r the dtuiesof theinown^^a^-wiyrmi<m uiun. * “I wasTnroWnetl
'qyhnrrreof Jmem,tnaffnot/orit: in jw e h ^ ^ 'T n b mihrarj %nq ramp
'from KmoSe^i'ever M m a the^ ^ nnd3rMffcV(5l _ tnof§ ’wlitH 'tffitpe
' pom hehcd, "and“ furvive'" all the daH^f| attff diraraert <rr fnPcJinOTn,
generally go back to their own country with emaciated forms and debilitated
bonilitutions. ' * .; ~ *■
This palace appears to have been built at feveral diftinfb periods,
from the dates which are engraved in different parts of itT The date's
1630, 1636, and 1660, mark, as I fuppofe, the particular periods When
peitaih pfrincrpaTmai|g1^^*were5erea;ed. ' Befof^Ihe cdurl there Isa
’ kfnd o'fflawrl, with a walk in fH^Wddle/'fhaded withyows 6f' treeS;
>nd to the left'of this lawn, at a fmall diftance from the palace, ftands
the arfenal, before which lay a great number o f new brafs guns, gun-
j 4' _ _ - | - . Tbeaiwgigfes^
l H )
©Slriages,ihot o f -ail tóndst'Jpied-ffp,; and ftffy/krg^ yannOTrtbih-; . *'m;
bletelytAounted; . Thisiubtfild«^;- its« May beUiippbfedy is/Mote iec wUrchT
rriafkabTe for ffsffrenelh, than the' beaqty t off, its external appearance,
*bd r contains' an immenfe quantity., o f all kihdsi oS ordnance and
Miltteryhffores, both in its 'chambers, and in thd deep y^ulfs beneath
* B^orid'^his daiwn o r ”vvark',fe',ft'lcahal,‘ -ov’e f '’wliich *a?drawbridge
cbMMUrficates Wim 3be dffthe kbits'*;' "and near ftis a very elegant ffone .
budding/With corref|kiridmg wings,' burlt iff awery pleating ftlle o f
archïtèbfure: ??f'ibr^ïle'dTHe ffnall armory, and, ks Ï Was informed on
the fpdtpctjhtaidb two mmdred thoMahd ffand o f arms. Around this
edifice,'•"ïfiefe are'rcVeralikrge c©d’rts, whmn'contadn refi'Üences iof thé
prfnéipdl ö'ffifcefs, as weÜ^aS^irracks/fofiWentybthQüfericl, rpeh; But
this Vaff ftfngTbf.hürfdings is no,longer inhabited, on account o f thè
cprtag^us quo/defs,ihat tire fo frequent in 'this\city. The ‘officers
nayê.alf off them plaicef o f reffdpnce ab.lqpie'diffance fromthe town;
anct all 'tKelEwo^eah itegimanfsare quartered in the chunky -/the guard
on the cityadtity.being regularly relieved, every morning/ The regi-
mgnt appointed for,-duty,jp^cbes every.day i^to.towm^ at,fix o’clock •
in me mprüfngj tq the grand parade bpppfite the CfOVetfior’s palace ;
one banahon off yvhich attends tbp Governor’s duty, and the pther 1$
dfftjihntcd am bug tfie -feveral guards round,,J;ne city. /
t blear »the fort, which has been already,mentioned, ftands iffie cbf-
tomrhqufe,.belonging .to the Dutch.Eaft^Indja Company, wjth-thejr'
ïtöre^houfes, and other c9mhiercfaLjeraSftons, . ffhere is alfo 'a fnjail
doOk-yard, where boats'and a ‘ fe,w iffconfidbrabie V?ugM werebuii(3-
ing. There:is*a .chain thrown acrofs, the canal, every.pigbt‘ to, prevent
all communication w;th l^oaty after a certain hour, and a fort hasheén
.eieffed near the cbftbm-hbufe, wnh a view, as it appears; toproteS: it;
hut,‘ without'preffhdihg to any knoWiege'.tn the icierice offdqfencq, of ;
military tadfics, I could difeover that this place was in no” condition'tq
■ F ll'tLi' * refill