T h e daycrf our journey from Tong-tchew to Pekin was, I doubt
noVa matter of general notification, from the prodigious êorKôürfe ^f
people who abfolutely covered the road ; and, notwithftandirig ; the
utmoft exertions of the mapdarins trf keep it clear, the preffure -of the
crowd was fometimes fo great, that we were obliged*' to halt, for’ at
Jeaft a quarter of an hour, to prevent the accidents Milch might
otherwise have happened from thé paflâge of tfte carts amidffthfcbbrt-l
tirmal and innumerable throng. I cannot but add to the obftacles
which we irefceived from the curiofity o f the Chinefe people, feme
fmall degree o f mortification at the kind of impreffion our. appearance
feemed to make on them : for they no fooner obtained a fight of any
of us* than they univerfalfy burft out into loud fficnits o f laughter*: and
I muff acknowledge, that we did not, at this time, wear the appears
ance of peopfe, who were artrived in this country, order to-obtain,
by every means of addtefs and. prepoflfeffion, thofe
ville s,, and poetical ffiftindfcions» which no Other nation. Has had the
art or .power to aceôri^iïh;
At Kiyeng-JFod/h.vhich is about nine miles from Totig-rtchew, the
whole embaffy of all ranks alighted from their refpedtive carriages T
here the inferior department: found tables Spread for their refrelhment
in aniopem yard, but hovered at the fame time, with great plenty o f
c3d meats, tea, fruits, &e. while the upper departments ’ Weré ferved ■
\yith their regale in feme adjoining^ moms o f a Very mîfèraele appeäf-
Before the procçffion re-commenced its progrefs, the conducting
mandarin, with his uftial attention, ordered^ feme jfoati, an
harfh four white wfne, to be offered to the attendants 6f the embaffy,
to fortify their ftomachs, as a confiderable tiine ihi^ht ÿtÆlhïy'
elapfe before they Would bbteirf any further fefrffliment : we V&éfe.
then fummoned to prepare for our departure, when à fcéfie or cörifu-
fion and difturhance took place among ourfelves, which, whatever its
real-effeéts might have been, was not Calculated at leaft to give any very
(' ™ )
favourable impreffion o f the manners and difp'o^tion o f the Englifh na- , r79ft
iron. Infhbrt,£rp)tn.the*fcrtwydof people aflembled to fee us, the negleCt- i Auguft*
o f a previous arrangement, and diftribiition',* of the carts,1 together with
the iacdnfidetate eagerS^fs- tmfet>dff among ourfelvesy-it- was a matter
o f no inconfiderable 'difficulty dor the mandarins tb affign ,th^f ‘people td
their refpeCtive vlhjefes.'
At eighf^o’Clbck wertQok our-leave^pfs'the town o f Kiyeng-Foo,.
which is a very'vcon?idereMe arid; extenfive* pfaee: the ftreets are broad
and Unpaired, and the'houlSs 'ard built altogether ’of wood j at leaft 'in
the part-’which We traVerfed there* were none“ cbhftrutffied of any other
materials. The (hops made a very pleating appearance, and feemed
to he well furniffied with their refpedtive commodities.
Of-the country, which occupies the few miles from this place to
Pekin, I ftavetetlefo fayj as the erowd’s of people that furrounded us,
Cither intercepted the vifew,or dillraCfed our attention.
At noon w& approached fh£ fuburhs o f the capital of China*, artd I
cannot' but feehfome degree of regret, that hb alteration tvhs" thade in
the ordinary travelling, and fliabby appearance, of the embaffy,, on fuch
air important occafion. Whatever reafons there might be to, prevent
that djfplay,. which it poffefled fiach ample provificMSf fo make, I can-
nob pretend to. determine, but Out cavalcade1 had nothing like the appearance
o fran . embaffy, from the firft nation in Europe, paffihg
through the moft populous city in the world.
On dHtering the fuburhs, we paffed beneath feveral very beautiful
triumphal arches, etegahtfy painted, and enriched withS various fanciful
ornaments : the upper part ©£ th a n was fquafe, with a kind of
pepf-hsatfe, painted, of a gneeii colour, and he^htened^with varififfi *::
from the irtfide of this roof was fufpended the model of an accommodation
junk, admirably executed* ■ and: adorned with ribbons and.
filken ftreamersa
4 Thefe