| ! ? | )
A t nine o’clock the proceffion began in the following orders 1
iDetatchment o f the royafertilldsry, with arms revprfed. '
Thncoffin fupported on men’s fhoulders,' -
. Tw o fifes .placing a funeral dirge.
Th e perfon appointed to officiate at the grave. ■
. - £ The mechanics» fervants, &c*' .tW.o and two'.-
v T h e troops then followed, and clofed the whole..
Th is proceffion svas alfo accompmied b j feveial o f the gendemeh
belonging to the embafly.
Thais we proceeded, with all due folemnity., to ^ ^ huiying^ground»
-which is fituated about a quarter o f a mile from the' Ambaflkdor’s
jfefidence ; and where pejmiffioh had been granted, for'the interment
« f our countryman, with a liberality- that would net: haye beea;prac-
tifed ifl £ome.of the countries^of. enlightened jEur^pe. - Such’-a -ceremonial,
as may w dl be imagined, had excited the curiofity o f ..the
fnty, and we were attended by a cowourfeof Jaediators that^the moll
jnterefling, andlplendid fpe&acles would'hot affesoble ihihecali.es o f
isnrope, , m Sf
C)n oar asrixal at the place of interment, the foldiery foamed a circle
sound the grave, with the firing party fending on the fide o f it* The
^coffin being placed on two planks o f wood, the funeral fervioe Was
then read, when the body was committed with the ufual ceremonies
to the earth, and the party difefearged three vollies over the grave,—
*vhioh, according to a cuftom o f the country that we cannot, reconcile
with the general good fenfe o f the people, had no greater depth
than was juft neceffary to cover the coffin,
Jh *bis busing-ground there was a great number of marble and ftatte
monuments with inferiptions on than. Some o f thefe memorials were
and enriched with various devices o f no ordinary fculpture: this
$ 91 )
;fHPera^ JpOTus-very èxtenfivé,« hut'without any enclofure. There are;
indeed, t^ feb fep la^ ^ îo ÿ burial,; butjié'af,large-towns-and cities ; as,
,in theçôuiit-i v, e\uyoneiis buried on the gremifes where he-had lived..
When the gr^ w M -éîo/ed, .a^dfinsriaft jjjSfeoF duty performed to
^ ^ fad^^te-proceffion returned in the fame order that haS'-been already
The Ambaffador' was vififed by feveral mandarins, a mark o f re-
I’pedt Which We-were diipofed tot cOnfidey^1 aTaVbutable pregnófti-
cation o f fuecefs in -the great objects -of" ibis ‘extraordinary miflton.
f e s Exdfel^ncy alfa received fiotice, that;1 thfe 'following day was appointed
fondhe depar^^l of* ,the^rrb^y?|o'’Pekin, ' and that eveiy
neceffary preparation was'made for that purpofe..
• h is a curious eircumftance that the place o f refidenee appointed for
thé embaffy, ^'övedjïiaÉfeèrialI, to,be, the- houieiof a timber merchant,
pho&syard waa jo in in g to it : but the oemmimicatiôn hetweî3i , them
w*s» °B this oceafioh,> elöfed up by a temporary fixture ©f deals that
we^ naihd acipfs it. On making inquiry concerning the truth o f
what had bee® fuggefted to. me, a CWnefe feldjsr -pointed, to! the
timber yard; and, at -the'Tatne>iime, made<me underfeftd, that the
iMfeS1" o f the place fold that’ kind o f wood'which was employed in the
budding'* o f juriks^K