3& M
At fix o’clodk Lord Macartney weftt 3*1 forth -to -tm tehfertamtftertt
at the fiov|mor-'GtaieraI,s country refidetifce; At which the prtftfcipa4
perfons of fiofli fexes in Bataria were prefent. The whbfe concluded
-with a magnificent fiippef and ball, which lafted to a Vety fete hobr of
the following morning. -
'While I was at Breakfaft this morning, my eats were aflkifcd by
•the«soft dreadful fhrieks l ever heard,- and, 6ft making the fniprity
which humanity fuggeltgd, I difcofrSrdd that thefe hcffidToiiftffii p P
needed from a Malay ilave, whom the matter o f the hotel had-ofidered-
to bepunilhed for fome omilfion Of'fes dtky;- "This poor WtotOh, Wlio
was upwards o f feventy years o f age, was ftandmgin a back court, ‘
while two other flaves were fcourging him in the moft .unrelenting
manner with fmall canes. This hotrid punifli'mettt they continued
for thirty-five minutes, t ig the hack arid hips o f this ri&irhfo l&vfei
lity exhibited one lacerated furfaCc, from whence the blood trickled-
down on the pavement. The matter then commanded rfie corr'eclfn^
ilaves tg giye their tormenting, -offices and fent the Smarting oulprit,
as he was, ^ d , widb^iut my application whatever to-his yousds, "
to continue the laborious duties of his -Ration. O n remonftrating.with
the matter o f the hotel, for this cruel and barbarous treatment o f Iris'
fervant— he anfwercd, that the Malays were fo extremely wicked,
that neither the horde, nor any one in it, would be fafe for a moment-,.'
-if they were not -kept in a ftatc o f continual terror, by the moft rigid
and exemplary puniffiment. But this was not all,- for another adt:
ofneceflary fiyerity, as it wks represented to me, though o f a. different
kind, immediately fueceeded. Tw o flaves, inn carrying off the tireakv
faftequipage from our table, contrived between them to break .a plate*
for which offence,, .as it could not .be precilgjy fixed’ tmoni-eitlier, they-
were bothordered to fuffer. They were* aeccjrdingly,- each of them,,
furiiiftred with canes, and compelled to heat each other- ; which they
did with reciprocal feverity ,• ..as two other ilaves .flood with.bamboos,
to xorredt any appearance of lenity in them.
3ST otwithfbnding
( 3»T >
Notwhhftanding the.eixtreme heat of the-'weather, k was impatient
to. take a ,view, df the city;; Landithe.refult of my öbfeïvatie®^ f now
prefen.tjto the reader,
T h e eity o f Batayia.ris. fituato in ffe iifend o f Java, and, is thf
capital of all the Ekitch fettlements and colonies in the. Eaft Indies,
it hes in one hundred- and four degrees o f eaft longitude, and • fix
degrees o f fouth gjtfjg|| ; and from its fixation between the Equator
and the:;Tippte' of.Qapricorn, die. climate is infupportably hot.,
The city.i^bujlt,.in a fiquare form, and. furrounded with a ftrong.
Wag, about thirty feet high. There are fqpr gates, one in each angle,
with a fort,, battery, agd barracks for fqldiers at each gate. The forts
are rnonnted with artillery, garrifianed with .troops, and furrounded
with- ditches* over which drawrbridges are lét down during tire day.*;
but after nine o-’döek at night there is no paflage oven them without a
ffgned order, frorry the governor-General.,
The ftreets o f the dty are broad, handfomely built, and well paved j
and in the center o f eye^ prioeip^ ftreet' diere is a- canal* o f aboutu
fixty feet broad ; fo that there is no communication between the two
fide» o f the fame ftreoiburby Bridges, o f which there are grea^ numbers
thrown over the water at no great dittance firom each other. T h e
boufes are, in general, three ftories high; and each ftoxy very lofty,
on account o f the exceffive hfiah o f the climate. They are all builri
according to one general" defigh, and poflèfij a certain degree o f grandeur,
both in their external and interior appearance. Thé lower;
flory o f the boufes is built o f ftone, covered, with marblè j aad the.
upper part is compofid pfi’a fine red b rick: «hé ■ windows,, which, are
wiy, large, are coped with marble*, and the wooden frame-work richly
gilt and ornamented. The inhabitants- appear to ; have a very great
pride in preferring the exterior beauty of their houfés, and ufe a fort
o f red paint for. that purpofe, with which, they or. cqlour the
fonts o f them at featt; opce.a week.,.