wîtk d.etâchcd« offices, and at fome frnall diftanee a temple, which W-;
lotio-s to it, artd contains the image which is thb ufual object* o f ieli-
w#fhipi Thete ate feveral burying, placés in digèrent parts o f .
the wood, which are the mauïbleums o f the mandarin’s family to whom
the palace belongs. It is called Tre-liod-zau.
This magnificent ; ébjè&, which* on a particuîar turn o f the river,
pSféhtéd itfelf in «harming perfpéàïve, k veiyriiüch heightmed by
a contrafted fucceflion o f bare and barren mountains*.
« This rude and rugged fcencry, at length, began to fobfi<fe> when
à rich , fertile level opened again upon us ; and after we had ' been
accuftomed for feven days, to the bleak and barren appea*ances o f
nature, the tranquil fcenes of cultivation, dfqyded a moft refrefhing
çrofpeét. - . ) t,,V »•>'.'
We BOW paffed the city o f Tfing-yamyenn, a place o f great;ext¥M
and cottifherce. It is furroumied by-a wall* whofe gates-are flanked
by ftrong 'towels, and which extends near three miles along the river ;
hut of its breadth we were prevented frdm forming'any-â^Me judg-
ment, by the intervening groves, which appear before,^andsrile above,
the walls. ;fh e ftibutbs had a mean appearance ^ and the holifes
projected over the water in &e fiimé infeoiirè; raid âlâimingm«tfner,
as I have already deicrifeed : a mode o f building, - common to - .all
towns, and Jeffcr places,. which ate -fituated ©n the haflks pf rîveÿs»
Thëgreat number o f junks which were hère afc anchor announced the:
commercial fhrtebf the city } .and the fuCe«ffbrt;o f timber yards,-all
ftored with great quantttiesof planks, and Wood f o ï 'every'kind o f
conftriiàiOn, tnarked a principal article df.éts trade. 'Several regiments
of foMiers Were drawn up on. the beach, with a «rain o f artillery they
were accompanied with triumphal arches," deeprated in. the lame pretty
and fanciful manner as has already been told of other 'Complimentary
/ «restions of the feme kind.
( m y
F t m U undeyiating t m 3- t
d ire a io n^ p th re e .^ ^ ; between a' very fertile and. highly cultivated December,
country, in wMfhrpeewfieldi'ilp^ea'Eed to abound': ^ The mountains,
which/? latetyj-<#:on tty; _ feem^ now, te, haye,ystiied, as it
werej jpto3the: diitynce, .and ranged alpng die hofizop.
' In 4 ^'sfterirobn 'A very:; feB^us'|6cident>'h|ppened, which might
h a# .produced-the moft fatal conferences : jt was no left than a
fire in .one of A e inferior jpnl^ j sapd,]^^reaUexgrtiQns had pot been
made, the veffel would have-. ty#n-yer.y, ibon. coa$m}$. Itj was
poftd to have been occasioned' by a Tpark falling unpT^fia^d from a
tobacco pipe/ whibh, trifling as i f tyas, threatened the junk with- irre-
| fiftibie conflagration.
: .effailfts,of .the fich .aty!
count# which we -now ,eptered, b y -the Improvement that ra g experienced
in'evety -arripty e f daily fuppljes. Wp t^is tyty received
a .large ^pantity .pftexGelkpit jprovifiqns, wittyu j a r o f- a vety.pleaftnt
liquor, •which is. pxrifadtqd from .ttye .fugar .cgpe, apd .tyfiypbles in
flavour .thp rum ihrub, £o well known do .our .exs^n ftountty. |
The ruin« o f a pagoda, and fame jj|g ftyffe fhpulphfes which ;I ha#
a^ady mentioned, gave a pidjturefqu© appearance to the fpot where
they had .been .erebtyd. ;»»d we«e the concluding objobls of this day’s
yoyage..;* -
The weather-was warm and pleafant, and the country in a fine ftate Tuefday x#
i>f cultivation j while the river incieafed in breadth, apd^dphted jnnks
p f a-lajjger -fize.tban we had yet fta i,
A t deven-io’clQck this morning we paffed the large tillage o f Ouz-
dhcmaaf with a cravid o f .mariufatStoies in its m%hbouihcrodi
whether they were >xa^iaeJporeelaint df iron fetyi.ee, TcouM not cM.
K k * cover;