1 ? i6 0
C H A P . XXV ‘
'The voy age continued. Curious circumjtances of the banks of the river.
The enihqfjy leaves the junks for vejfels of a larger fine/ fcircum-
Jlances of the voyage, appearance of the country. Prefents from
the mandarin of Tyaung-Jhi-fenna. Brief account of tombs and
fepulehres. Pafs the town of Saunt y Tawn, and a clqfter of fhryc
cities, 'jffirfate at Chinga-fdo.'
. 17^3y , T H E fleet, had failed in the night, and anchored early in the morn-
November. ine before a large city called Manunenoa. . .
Sunday 24. 0 ■
The river now flowed between a range of huge unconne&ed.maffcs
of ftone, which, as they did not appear to be rooted in the earth, cannot
be called rocks qrcrags.;, but had all the appearance of having been
disjointed and thrown about by fome ftrange convulflon of nature.
In the interfticesdietween them thererwere veins of earth of different
appearances, but jnot in regular ftrata: fome of thefe y^erepf a deep
brown or black colour, others were yellow; and they were oc-
cafionally intermixed with fand and gravel. In fqme parts J[ obferved
people cutting the ftone into the ftiape of bricks,, and in others,
there were large heaps of them, which were o f a deep red. Several of
thefe huge, ftones had been excavated with great labour, and formed a
fort of dwelling, many of whofe inhabitants cajne forth to fee our
fleet pafs along before them. Some o^, the intervalsbetween thefe
- ftppes, were offufficient extent to admit of-gardens with their-buildings
and pagodas, which produced very pifturefque^ romantic, and delightful
pictures. When the country, which is in the higheft ftate of
cultivation, was let in through the open fpaces between thefe ftones^
it produced aVurious and pleating perfpe<ftive. This very Angular
t: 2 IT >
and 'ftupend.ous feepery continued, ^forp. length of feveral,miles, . with
little change,; but what arofe from ;t.he,;lefler, Q,t greater magnitude of the
objects', ,and ,tbe.'pccafional<tde^ofa_fiqnsr0f art in building and orna-
rfiented gardens.-;. -1
In' thgcafteifoobn.the fleet anchored before^ the., city-.of Hoatquoo,
'where we> werejagree'ably furptifed'to xeeeiva^hrdbssj-fkr. fth^firemoval'dl'
^bafl^tjbto larger .junkg^Hl^hidawyeiflsbialdt.'firid very.pl^fuig1
change jp ca$: ^ei^ipmodations,.and ;®^i£cuj,ts., The^jj|unksj;w,ere
ha,ljflM up.aIpngrSel,thoic whuh \\c then yet HpipdjsV^nd, in a-.yery
fhort^time,,. the whole of'the baggage !was- fhifted^kf@Etheixi',i ’'j
Here thVgt&ftdlmandaridlof -Ho'a-quO’b uhk,'J-'except
that whi ch* c e tnt a i f ngdrwo^c a f f e^f 'wi&s^r a i t^t ana as
many "boxes df ^yeetycakes
The rain which had' ct&ripuedvalmofh withqtit! c^a^hglfor w<5
days, abated^ and the w e ithcr became- mod^r ftq,; .Thc^itydSf Qjiawl-
Ihee'dhpr^hvheBe the fleet anchored for fonityitmic,.h<u£nothing*rG-
maiikahle-ibutvits wall, 'which’is bniltipf;'tj^stedthtijks that h'nltn-
tioned yefterday.^
;!fhc appear ince of the country was asheiufjlul .is iidtJAtilioiiitojil 1
makerft ■; «with arfew reicks ’®Wa- ied'^ftttneJtsfocarabn^ll^hmisik^gStlie
lfeVdwrf it. Neaclt fhenuthere appeared fb be! quat-riss > w here
the people where hewing the large-ftones into frtSalfer jhi-eiSds'l of the
fame fize and figure -of th'ofVjalready defcti^ed.v-' -
The river had this day a more bufy appearance, than it had yet* afi-
fumed, from the great number of-. rice niills' .wHich were at work on
th^^part of, it.
Monday 2{ .
The fog of this morning fo far obfeured the country,. ■ as to render
the diftant parts altogether imperceptible. At irobn, Jiowiweiy the
' F f atmofphere
Tuctdaj z6.