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H Y PO C H iER IS radidata*
Long-rooted Cat's-ear.
4 4
SYN G EN E SU Polygamla -aquulh.
C har. Recept. chaffy. Cal. fomewhat imbricated.
Down featherJv.
S pec. Char. Leaves runcinate, blutitifh, rough.
Stems branched, naked, fmooth. Flower-ftalks
Syn . Hypochseris radicata. Linn. Sp. Pi. 1 140. Sm.
FI. Brit. 842. Hudf. 347. With. 692. Hull. i j i .
Relh. 3or. Sibth. 242. Abbot. 172. Curt. Londi
fafc. 3. t. 52.
Hieracium longius radicatum. Rail Syn. 165.
1 W O fpe'cies of Hypocharis have already appeared iii this
work, t. 325 and 5 7 5 ; and that now before us, which is by
far the moil common, abounding in every pafture, completes
the hiftory of the genus as far as regards the Britifh Flora.
This flowers from June to Auguft, and is furniflied with a
perennial milky very deep root, whence the fpecific name.
Leaves all radical* lying clofe to the earth, by which they
entirely choak all other plants within their reach3 their form is
oblong, bluntifh, runcinate inclining to lyrate, toothed, and
they are clothed with rigid hairs. The Hems, or rather common
flower-ftalks, are upright, very much branched, round*
fmooth, fomewhat glaucous; the partial ones fcaly, and
fwelling upwards. Flowers large, bright yellow. Calyx-fcales
roughilh at the keel. Receptacle befet with long fharp chaffy
fcales among the florets, the character of the genus, by which
this is at once known from other common plants, vulgarly confounded
under the name of Hawkweeds. Seeds furrowed, with
minute tubercles on the intermediate ridges, Down on a
ftalk, feathery and rough.