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I N U L A crithmoides.
Samphire-leaved Fleabane.
S Y NG E NE S I A Pblygamia fupcrjlua.
G en. Char. Receptacle naked. Seed-down Ample.
Anther<e terminated by two briftles at the bate.
Spec. Char. Leaves linear, flethy, generally three-
Syn. Inula crithmoides. Linn. Sp. PI. 1240. Hudf.
FI. An. 369. I. crithmifolia. With. Bot.Arr. 924.
After maritimus flavus, Crithmum chryfanthemum
didtus. Rail Syn. 174.
T h i s is one o f thofe maritime plants w h ich p re fer a muddy
fo il, and is therefore not common. T h e R e v e ren d M r . Baker
favoured us w ith this fpec imen from P o rtland ifland, near the
ligh t-houfes . I t flowers in A u g u f t .
T h e ro o t is perennial, c reeping, and its lo n g fibres run
d ow n deep in to the mud. L e a v e s alternate, fmoo th , v ery fuc -
cu len t, and fait to the ta f t e ; the lowermo ft blu nt and e n t ir e ;
th e others g enerally h a v ing a to oth on each fide the tip , th ou gh
m any o f the upper leaves are often quite entire. T h e flower-
ftalks , clothed w ith nar row b r iftly bradfese, and fw e llin g upw
a rd s , terminate the b r a n c h e s ; and each bears a folita ry ere£t
flow e r , o f a beautifu l appearance, ha v ing y e llow rays and an
orange difk. M r . W o o dw a rd w e ll obferves th at the dow n o f
the feed is finely dentated. Indeed that p a rt is fca rc e ly quite
fimple in any flow e r , only in fome genera the te e th are much
lo n g e r than in others, fo that the dow n becomes compound or
p lumofe.
W e do n o t k n ow that this plant is applied to any u fe . I t
p robably w o u ld afford an alkaline fa it, like m o ll other fu c cu -
len t fea plants. I t is remarkable th at fu ch vegetables generally
reta in th eir fa it ta fte, e ven w h en cultiv a ted fa r from the fea.