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S E N E C I O saracenicus.
Broad-leaved Groundsel.
SYNGENESIA Polygamia-superflua.
G en. C h a r . Recept. naked. Down simple. Cal.
cylindrical, many-leaved, equal, scaly at the base}
scales dead at the tip.
S p e c . C h a r . Radius spreading. Flowers corymbose.
Leaves lanceolate, serrated, nearly smooth.
S y n . Senecio saracenicus. Linn. Sp. PI. 1221. Sm.
FI. Brit. 887. Huds. 367. With. 726. Hull
ed. 2. 242. Jacq. Austr.v. 2. 52. t. 186.
Virga aurea maxima, radice repente. Raii Syn. 177.
M r . JOHN WINDSOR, an assiduous young botanist, favoured
us with this wild specimen in July 1810 from the
neighbourhood of Settle, Yorkshire. The Rev. John Rudd,
F .L .S ., of Preston, sent others in August from Brawsholme,
19 miles from the town last named. Mr. Okell has observed
the same near Chester, and we have gathered it long since in
a watery lane near Preston hall, between Kirkby Lonsdale and
Kendal. This is one of our rarest British plants. The specific
name alludes to its being used by the Saracens as a vulnerary.
Its qualities are astringent, with considerable acrimony.
T h e root is perennial and c re ep in g . S tems annu al, erect,
s tra igh t, from 3 to 5 feet h ig h , le a fy , angula r, sca rcely branched,
sm o o th , or bu t s ligh t ly d ow n y . L e a v e s a lternate, sessile, lanc
eo la te or o b lo n g , a cu te , a span lo n g , more or le s s , w ith num
e ro u s , sh a rp , to o th - lik e serratures. F low e r s b r igh t yellow,
in a la rg e terminal co rym b u s , w ith na r row , lanceola te , pointed
b ra c tea s , and rather d ow n y stalks . C a ly x also somewh at downy,
it s su pplementary scales lanc eola te . F lo re ts o f the radius long
and som ew h a t e llip tica l, sca rc ely toothed at th e end , with
lo n g ish c law s , n o t n um erou s, revolute in de cay o n ly . Seeds
n e a r ly , i f n o t q u ite , sm o o th , w ith a roughish down.