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H E D Y P N O I S hifpidum.
Rough Hedypnois.
S Y N G E NE SIA Polygamia-aqualis.
G en. Char. Recept. naked, punctate. Cal. imbricated,
with fcales at the bafe. Down feathery,
feffile, unequal.
Spec. C har. Stalks fingle-flowered. Leaves dentate,
rough. Florets hairy at their orifice, glandular
at the tip.
Syn. Hedypnois hifpidum. Hudf. 340.
Leontodon hifpidum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1124. TJdth. 681.
Relh. 295. Sibth. 239. Curt. Lond.fajc. 3. #.56.
Dens leonis hirfutus leptocaulis, Hieracium didlus.
Rail Syn. 171.
P l e n t i f u l in paftures, on a chalk or limeftone foil more
efpecially, flowering in July.
Root perennial, tapering, oblique, blackifh. Leaves radical,
oblong, tapering at the bafe, bluntifh, more or lefs deeply
toothed, and fometimes pinnatifid, clothed with generally
forked rigid hairs. Stalks feveral, upright, Ample, roundifh,
clothed with fimilar hairs. Flower drooping while in bud,
afterwards ereft, bright yellow. Calyx-fcales ered, unequal
and irregular, hairy. Florets furniffied with a tuft of long
yellow ereft hairs at the top of their tube; their fummit terminates
in 5 teeth, at the back of each of which is a triangular
duller of brown glands, firft obferved I believe by Mr. Sowerby.
The feeds are uniform, flender, each crowned with a fpreading
tuft of feffile feathery down, whofe rays are unequal.
In the full-blown flower the hairs from the orifice of each
floret may readily be perceived, and diftinguiffi this plant from
the H. hirtum, and every other with which it could be confounded.