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O P H R Y S monorchis.
M ujk Orchis.
G 1 N A N D R I A Dlandria.
G en. Char. Neflary confifting of a lip only, flightly
carinated at the back.
S pec. Char. Bulb globofe.' Stalk naked. Lip of the
nedtary three-cleft, as well as the inner petals. '
Syn. Ophrys Monorchis. Linn. Sj>. PL 1342. Hud/.
FI. An. 390. With. Bot. Arr. 990. Relh. Cant.
Orchis odorata mofchata five Monorchis. Rail Syn.
3 7 8 .
G R OW S in dry chalky paftures. " We have received it
from Kent by favour of Mr. Jacob Rayer, and from the neighbourhood
of Bury gathered by W. Matthew, Efq. The laft-
mentioned gentleman fufpe&s the radical leaves do not appear
till within fifteen or twenty days of its flowering, which happens
early in July.
This fpecies is remarkable for having apparently but one
bulb, whence the name monorchis. The bulb for the following
year being formed at the end of one of the radical fibres, and
making but fmall progrefs till the flowering of its parent root
is over, has generally efcaped notice.
The flowers have a mulky honey-like fmell. It is one of the
leaft fpecious of its tribe, and may eafily be overlooked.
In this plant the nectary is a little gibbous at the back part,
fo as fomewhat to approach the charafter of Satyrium j nor is
its habit far remote from Satyriui^albidum and repens.