[ 94 ] / t/S .
S A T Y R I U M viride.
Frog Satyr ion, or Orchis.
G Y N A N D R I A Dlandrta.
G en. Char. Nettary an inflated roundilh bag behind
the flower.
Spec. Char. Bulbs palmated. Leaves oblong, obtufe.
Lip linear, three-cleft, the middle fegment fmalleft.
S yn . Satyrium viride. Linn. Sp. PI. 1337. HudJ. FI.
4 »- 386. With. Bot.Arr. 981. Relh. Cant. 335.
Orchis palmata minor flore luteo-viridi. Ran
Syn. 381.
N meadows and paftures, efpecially in a gravelly or rocky
foil, in mod parts of England, flowering about May, June or
July, but growing difperfed, fo as to be rarely found in any
quantity together. We were favoured with this fpecimen from
near Luton Hoo, Bedfordfhire, by Mr. Sibley, a gentleman who
has paid much attention to the Orchis tribe.
Dr. Stokes has given an excellent and full defcription of this
plant in the Bot. Arr. to which we have nothing to add, nor
can the fpecies be confounded with any other. The colour of
the hp varying from yellowifh green to brown, and its middle
fegment varying likewife in fize, a common accident in this tribe,
gave occafion to Mr. Hudfon to defcribe a Satyrium fufcum,
FI. An. ed. 1. but on no fufficient grounds, as the brown colour
and the equally divided lip by no means conftantly accompany
each other, witnefs our figure.