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p H C A R D U U S heterophyllus.
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M e la n c h o ly T h i f i l e .
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S Y Pi G E N E S I A Polygamia-eequalis.
G en. Char. Cal. fwelling, imbricated with fpinous
lcales. Recept. hairy. Down deciduous.
Spec. Char. Leaves embracing the fiem, lanceolate,
ciliated, undivided or laciniated, very downy beneath.
Flower moftly folitary, pedunculated.
Syn. Carduus heterophyllus. Linn. Sp. PI 1154
FI. Dan. t. 109.
C. helenioides. Hudf. 35 s. Lightf 457. With.
702. Hull. 179.
Cirfium Britannicum Clufii repens. Rail Syn. 193.
A NATIVE of rather moift alpine paftures in the north
fent from near Horton in Craven by Mr. Bingley. It is perennial,
flowering in July or Auguft. 1
Root creeping, tuberous, black. Stem 3 feet high, ere£t
for the moll part Ample and Angle-flowered, fometimes, as in
our figure, two-flowered, round, furrowed, woolly, leafy.
Leaves lanceolate, acute; naked and very fmooth above •
clothed with denfe fnowy down beneath; their margin frino-ed
with a double row of fmall prickles ; the radical ones ftand°on
footftalks; the reft are alternate, embracing the ftem with
their heart-fhaped bafe; fonie of the leaves are occafionally
pinnatifid, which variablenefs in their form gave occafion to the
name heterophyllus. The flower terminates the ftem on an
elongated ftalk, and is large and handfome; it has often one
little leaf clofe to its bafe; at firft it droops, but is afterwards
ereft. Calyx green, Rightly downy, ovate; its fcales lanceolate,
upright, naked, keeled and brownilh at their tips, each
terminated by a very fmall fpine. Stigma linear, cloven.
Down of the marginal feeds merely rough, of the reft feathery.
C. helenioides of Linnaeus differs widely from this, its ftem
being twice as tall, leaves more numerous, and never lobed. It
bears four or more feflile flowers cluftered together at the top of
the ftem, but half the fize of ours, and is aftranger to our ill and.