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H E D Y P N O I S hirtum.
Deficient Hedypnois.
S Y N G E N E S I A Polygamia-aqualh.
G en. C har. Recept. naked, pundtate. Cal. imbricated,
with fcales at the bafe. Down feathery,
feflile, unequal.
Spec. C har. Stalks tingle-flowered. Leaves dentate,
rough. Calyx nearly fmooth. Outer row of feeds
deftitute of down.
Syn . Hedypnois hifpidum /3. HudJ. 340.
Leontodon hirtum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1123. With. 682.
Sihth. 238. Curt. Lond. fafc. 6. t. 59.
Hieracium pumilum faxatile afperum, prasmorsa ra-
dice. Rati Syn. 167.
M a n y botanifts have doubted whether this were a different
fpecies from the H. hifpidum. Mr. Hudfon makes them
varieties only, but Linnaeus always infilled on their being dif-
tin£f. Unfortunately the character he pointed out is fallacious,
the Ample hairs ; for the pubefcence of both is occafionally
Ample, forked, or even three-pointed. In herbage they nearly
agree, or at leaft the varieties of each clofely approach each
other. The Bowers of both droop in the bud, but thofe of
H. hirtum are the fmalleft. The calyx is very nearly fmooth. The
florets are deftitute of the yellow hairs at their oriflce, and of
the brown glands at the back of their apex, and the innermoft
have a lefs perfect corolla than thofe of the circumference;
while on the contrary the feeds produced by the innermoft are
crowned with large feflile feathery down, and thofe of the circumference
are ahnoft beardlefs, having only a few fhort jagged
fcales at their fummit. The root of this fpecies is bitten off,
not tapering as in the other.
This Hedypnois is fre_quent on gravelly heaths and commons,
flowering in July and Auguft. Mr. Curtis obferves that it
feldom occurs on the fame Tpot with the preceding.
W e adopt this genus of Hedypnois from Mr. Hudfon. What
Juffieu and Gsertner have called by the fame name is the
Zacyntba of Schreber’ s Gen. PI. 534.