[ 2378 ]
I I I E R A C I U M cerinthoides.
3 J
Honey wort-leaved Hawkzceed.
SYNGENESIA Polygamia-ce quails.
G en. Char. Recept. nearly naked, dotted. Cal. imbricated,
ovate. Dovcn simple, sessile.
Spec. Char, Stem corymbose, solid. Leaves hairy,
with a few small teeth ; the upper oblong, half
clasping the stem ; the radical ones obovate, with
fringed footstalks.
Syn. Hieracium cerinthoides. Linn. Sp. PI. 1129.
Sm. Tr. o f Linn. Soc. v. 9. 242. Gouan. llluslr.
58. t, 22. f . 4. Villars Dauph. v. 3. 110. t. 32.
S e n t from the Highlands of Scotland, by its discoverer
Mr, George Don, who informs us this species is by no means
uncommon there, upon rocks, though hitherto not admitted
into any British Flora. It flowers in August and is perennial.
The stem is eighteen inches or two feet high, erect, round,
more or less leafy, solid, bearing at the summit several moderately
large yellow flowers, on hispid and downy stalks, in
a corymbose form. Leaves all somewhat glaucous, opaque,
with a very smooth appearance, except that their edges and
ribs are fringed with fine long hairs. The radical ones are
lanceolate inclining to obovate, on long fringed bordered
stalks ; the uppermost dilated and partly clasping the stem at
their base, with taper points. Scales of the calyx taper-pointed,
Seed-down copious, minutely rough, Mr. Don’s specimen
has scarcely more than one or two minute teeth at the edges
of a few of the stem-leaves. Some in Mr. Davall’s collection,
like that of Liimaeus; are more toothed. The leaves all vary
in breadth.