5" [ 2416 ]
ERIGERON uniflorum.
Pale-rayed Mountain Flea-bane.
SYNGENESIA Polygamia-superflua.
G en. Char. Recept. naked. Down simple, Florets
of the radius linear, very narrow, numerous. Cal.
Spec. Char. Stems mostly single-flowered, Calyx
hairy. Florets of the radius erect, somewhat
Syn. Erigeron uniflorum. Linn. Sp. PI. 12 11. FI.
Lapp. ed. 2. 250. t. 9./. 3, Sm. Tr. o f Linn. Soc.
v. 10. 346.
G a th e r e d on Ben Lawers, as well as on rocks by the
river Almond, near Lindoch, seven miles from Perth, by Mr.
G. Don, who justly distinguished this species from E. alpi-
num, t. 464, with which even Linnaeus at one time confounded
it. In root, habit and size these two plants nearly agree, as
well as in time of flowering. The stems of both are usually
simple and single-flowered, occasionally many-flowered. But
the florets of the radius in uniflorum are more slender and always
upright, of a darker purple about their middle, though
more or less white at the tip; those of the disk are tipped
with a very dark purple or brown. The calyx is very hairy
externally ; its inner scales purple, fringed. The disk very
rarely varies to a light yellow.