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A R T E M I S I A campeftris.
Field Southernwood.
S Y N G E N E S IA Polygamia-Juperflua.
Gen. C har. Receptacle {lightly downy. Seed-down
none. Cal imbricated, the fcales roundith and
clofed. Flowers of the radius without a corolla.
Spec. Char. Leaves in many linear fegments. Stems
procumbent before flowering, wand-like,
Syn. Artemifia campeftris. Linn. Sp. P I
Hudf. FI. An. 357, With.. Bot. Arr. 889,
Abrotanum campeftre, Raii Syn, 190,
T h e field fouthernwood has hitherto been found m no
nart of England but about Thetford, where it was difcovered
in Ray’s time, and ftill grows by the fide
about a mile from that town m the way to Norwich, and alto
on Icklingham heath, eight miles f r o m Bury, from w^ence the
wild fpecimen here delineated was fent by Sir Thomas Utf
1UT h ! whole herb is without fmell, and flowers in Auguft
Root perennial, producing thefir ft year a number^of long-
ftalked pinnated and deeply divided leaves, fpreadmg, .flat on
g 2 E Z T £ form of a ftar} from the centre Sf which
the lem comes out the fummer following, proftrate at firft,
but rifing when the flowers appear, branched, and clothe
• r „nJLai-e more feflile, and lefs compound leaves, the up-
S ? £ £ T\e are linear, more or lefs clothed with clofe-prefled filky hairs
beneath. Branches forming long fimple racemes of fma
drooping flowers on flender foot-ftalks, each accompanied by a
fmall fimple leaf. The receptacle, as Lmnams obferves, in
this and fome other fpecies, is naked, and not downy.