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H I E R A C I U M molle.
Soft-leaved Hawkweed.
SYFGENESIA Polygamia-cequalis.
G en. Char. Recepl. nearly naked, dotted. Cal. imbricated,
ovate. Down simple, sessile.
Spec. C har. Stem panicled, hollow, angular. Leaves
lanceolate, slightly toothed, hairy, clasping the stem j
lower ones stalked, more elliptical and obtuse.
Syn. Hieracium molle. Jacq. Austr. v. 2. 1 2 . t. 119.
Dicks. Tr. o f Linn. Soc. v. 2. 288. H. Sicc.
fasc. 11. 13. Sm. FI. Brit. 832. With. 688.
Hull. ed. 2. 232.
Mr .DICKSON discovered this Hawkweed, which Linnaeus
never described, in woods in the south of Scotland, and we
are obliged to him for an authentic specimen, which agrees
with original ones of Jacquin in the Linnaean herbarium.
H. molle is perennial, and flowers in July. The whole
herb is clothed with scattered, short, soft hairs, which on the
flower-stalks are glandular and viscid. Stem about 18 inches
high, erect, unbranched, leafy, angular, hollow like that of
H. paludosum, t. 1094, panicled at the summit. Lower
leaves on long bordered stalks, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, distantly
toothed ; upper ones sessile, clasping the stem, more lanceolate,
less blunt, and scarcely toothed at all. Flowers several,
erect, of a full yellow. Calyx clothed with glandular hairs
and some cottony down. Seed yellowish, striated. Down