0)Lf C 1144 ]
CARLIN A vulgaris.
Common Carline.
, SYNGENESIA Polygamia-aqualis.
G en. Char. Cal. fwelling : the outer fcales fpinous;
the inner coloured, fcariofe, radiant. Recept.
chaffy. Down feathery.
Spec. C har. Stem many-flowered, corymbofe;
Flowers terminal. Outer fcales of the calyx pin-
natifid ; inner whitifh.
S yn. Carlina vulgaris. Limp. Sp>. PI. 1x61. Sm. FI.
Brit. 857. Hudf. 355. With. 704. Hull. 178.
Relh. 319. Silth. 247. Abbot. 177.
C. fylveftrisquibusdamjaliisAtradlylis. RaiiSyn. 175.
F r e q u e n t l y to be met with fcattered over dry fandy
heaths and paftures, among Ling and other humble fhrubs,
where it flowers in June and July, after which, being biennial,
it dies, but does not immediately decay, for the leaves
and even flowers, which are of the nature of a Gnaphalium or
Xeranthemum, battered and bleached, hand many a wintry
The root is fpindle-thaped. Whole plant rigid. Stem
a foot high, leafy, furrowed, more or lefs woolly. Leaves
alternate, finuated, very fpinous, veiny, mod: woolly beneath.
Flowers terminal, ere£t. Outer calyx-leaves very fpinous;
the inner ones longer, linear, fmooth, radiating, yellowifh-
white, polifhed, everlafting, refembling the rays of flowers in
the order Polygamia-fuperjlua. Florets uniform, tubular,
purplifh. Anther® with 3 bridles at their bafe. Seed
crowned with feathery down. Scales of the receptacle much
refembling the inner fcales ©f the calyx.
The Carline Thiftle, formerly ufed in medicine, is not this,
but Carlina acaulis of Linn®us. It was reported to have
been pointed out .by an angel to Charlemagne, to cure his army
of the plague. His name is the origin of the generic one.