[ I x57 3
He aft Cudweed,
SYNGENESIA Polygamia-fuperflua.
G en. C ha r . Recept. naked. Down rough or feathery.
Cal. imbricated; with coloured membranous fcales.
Florets of the radius awlfhaped. Some florets of
the diflc occafionally abortive.
S p e c . C ha r . Stem eredt, branched. Leaves lanceolate,
acute, flat. Flowers conical, rather cluttered,
both lateral and terminal.
S y n . Gnaphalium minimum. Sm. FI. JBrit. 873.
Rail Syn. 181. Relh. 3 24.
G. montanum. Hudf. 362. With. 713. Hull. 183.
Filago montana. Sibth. 262, Abbot. 189.
iP L E N T I F U L on the moft barren ground, about the margins
o f gravel-pits, and other dry fandy places, where it flowers
from July to the end o f autumn, varying greatly in luxuriance
according to the nourilhment or moifture it receives.
Root annual, fmall but tough. Stem eredt, a few inches
h igh, round, leafy, a little w o o lly ; (lender, Ample, and naked
b e low ; branched and corymbofe above. Leaves alternate,
upright, lanceolate, or a little ovate, acute, entire, flat,
woolly on both fides. Flowers fmall, feffile, either fcattered
or in clutters, axillary or terminal, conical, angular, woolly.
Calyx-fcales awl-{haped, keeled, membranous at the tip ; the
inner ones entirely fo. Hermaphrodite florets from 4 to 8,
tubular, regularly 5-cleft, yellow : female ones (lender, filiform
: all producing perfedt feed, Down rough. Receptacle
Former writers have miftaken this for the Filago montana
o f Linnaeus, a plant not found in Britain, which is twice as
large in all its parts and much more woolly, as appears by the
Linnaean Herbarium,