t 1111 ]
C R E P I S te£fc>rum*
Smooth Hawk's-beard.
SYNGENESIA Polyganna-iz quails.
G en. Char. Recept. roughifh. Cal. furrounded with
deciduous fcales, and at length fwelling into protuberances.
Down fimple, generally on a foot-
.Spec. Char. Radical leaves runcinate: the reft
embracing the ftem, lanceolate and toothed.
Stem fmooth.
Syn. Crepis tedtorum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1135. Smi Fl.
Brit. 837. With. 689. Hull. 174. Relh. 310.
Sibth. 240. Abbot. 172. Curt. Lond. fafc. 5.
H 6 5 \
Hedypnois tedlorum. Hudf. 341.
Hieracium luteum glabrum, live minus hirfutum.
Rail Syn. 165.
N o t h i n g can be more common than this Créais in dry
wade places, on walls, rubbifh, and banks, flowering from
June to the end of September.
Root annual, tapering. Herb very various in fize, ftrength
and luxuriance. Stem upright, branched, furrowed, fmooth,
or very rarely a little hairy, generally ftained with purple juft
above each ramification. Leaves fmooth, bright green ; the
Tadical ones runcinate ; the reft clafping the ftem with an
àrrow-fliaped bafe, and more or lefs deeply toothed above
their infertion. Panicle upright, forked, corymbofe, roughifh,
furnifhed with fmall leaves. Flowers bright yellow, much
fmaller than in any other common Hawkweed. Calyx rough.
Seeds furrowed. Down rough, feflile. Receptacle fomewhat
cellular and roughifh.
Although variable in its herbage, the fmooth leaves, fmall
flowers and purplilh ftem make this plant eafily known. It
moft certainly belongs to the very natural genus of Crepis,
however incorrectly the characters of that genus may be defined
by fome authors.