H EDYPNOI S autumnalis*
Autumnal Hedypnois.
SYNGENESlA Polygamia-cequalh.
G en. Char. Recept. naked, punctate. Cal. imbricated,
with fcales at the bafe. Down feathery)
feffile, unequal.
S pec. Char. General fialk branched ; partial tcaly.
Leaves lanceolate, toothed or pinnatifid, fmoothifh*
S yn. Hedypnois autumnalis. Sm. FI. Brit. 826.
Hudf. 341.
Leontodon autumnale. Linn. Sp. PI. 1123. With. 680.
Hull. 173. Relh. 295. Sibil. 238. Allot. 170.
Hieracium minus, prsemorsa radice. Rail Syn. 164.
C o m m o n every where in meadows and paftures, flowering
about Auguft and later.
Root perennial, abruptly bitten off, furnifhed with very long
Ample fibres from itsfides. Leaves almoft altogether radical, lanceolate,
generally fmooth, rarely a little rough, varioufly and
unequally pinnatifid or merely toothed, oblique or fomewhat
ferpentine in their general form or pofition. General ftalk
one or more, fpreading, curved and zigzag, branched, not quite
fmooth, terminating in a few long fcaly flower-ftalks which
are hollow, and according to the juft obfervation of the Rev*
Mr. Holme each contains a little tuft of very white cotton that
feems peculiar to the plant. Calyx and top of the ftalk a
little downy. Flowers bright-yellow, not large, often reddifh
on the outfide. Seeds flender, furrowed, all crowned with
• feffile feathery down.
The late Rev. Mr. Bryant obferved in Norfolk, a few years
fince, a Angular variety whofe flowers were proliferous, bearinv
from the margin of their receptacle a feries of leffer flowers on
Ralks, much like the hen-and-chicken daify.