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C A R D U U S acaulis.
D w a r f 'Ih iß le.
S T N G E N E S IA P olygamia-xquatts.
G e n . C har. Cal. ovate, imbricated with fpinous fcales.
Receptacle hairy.
Spec. Char. Stem wanting. Calyx fmooth.
S yn . Carduus acaulis. Linn. Sp. PI. 1156. Hudf.
FI. An. 354. IVith. Bot. Arr. 877. Relh. Cant.
(Karlina acaulis minore purpureo flore. Rail Syn.
T H I S Aperies of Carduus occurs in gravelly and chalky paf-
fures and commons, very abundantly in Norfolk, though by
rio means a general Englifh plant. Its large red flowers,
which are feldom more than one upon each plant, are very
eonfpicuous, Handing clofe to the root in the centre of many
wide-fpreading deprefied leaves, which fometimes form a circle
of near a foot in diameter, and are fo clofely applied to
the ground that nothing can grow beneath them. Thefe leaves
are fmooth and fhining, of a deep green, pinnatifid, much
lobed, and very fpinous. Scales of the calyx narrow, fmooth,
father obtufe, flightly fpinous, fometimes minutely ciliated towards
the top. Flower ereri, deep crimfon, appearing in July
■ Or Auguft. The root is ftrong, woody, and perennial.
When cultivated in a garden the habit of the plant grows
shore lax, and a Item is produced, fome inches in height, and
branched, bearing feveral flowers. The fame thing, happens
fo the Carlina acaulis of the fouth of Europe.