/ f S [ 29 ]
O P H R Y S anthropophora.
Green Man Orchis.
G T N AN D R I A Diandria.
G en. Char. Neblary confifting of a lip only, flightly
carinated at the back.
Spec. Char. Bulbs roundilh. Stem leafy. Lip linear,
in three divifions, the middlemoft elongated
and cloven.
S yn, Ophrys anthropophora. Linn. Sp. PI. 1343.
Hudf. FI. An. 390. With. Bot. Arr. 991. Relh.
Cantab. 338.
Orchis anthropophora oreades. Raii Syn. 379. Column.
Ecphr. 1. 320.ƒ. 1. good.
K O U N D in chalk pits, hedges, and by road fides in a chalky
foil, in various parts of England, very frequently in Kent;
flowering in June. It is rather Angular than ftrikingly beautiful
in appearance, and chiefly remarkable for the figure of a
naked man reprefented by the lip of its flower; the petals
(which are often brownilh) forming a kind of cap or helmet to
the figure, as in the Military Orchis, jig. 16. The middle
fegment of the lip, however, is merely bifid, without any fmall
intermediate tooth.
CoLumna has given a very good figure and defcription of
this Ophrys in his Ecphrafis above quoted, and claims the
honour of being the firft who has mentioned it. It has ever
fince been much celebrated, and is one of thofe fpecies which
Linnseus tells us every body who was curious in plants, when
he was at Paris, went from thence to Fontainebleau to fee in
flower, the neighbourhood of that place abounding with this
tribe of plants.