S E N E C I O vifcofus.
Stinking Groundfel.
S T N G E N E S I A Polygamia fuperjtua.
G en. C h a r . Receptacle naked. Down fimple. Calyx
cylindrical, fcaly at the bafe; fcales dead at the
Spec. C h a r . Radius revolute. Leaves pinnatifid, vif-
cid. Scales of the calyx lax, and nearly as long as
the calyx itfelf, which is hairy.
S y n . Senecio vifcofus. Linn. Sp, PL 1 2 1 7 . With.
Bot.Arr. 9 0 9 . Hudf. FI. An. 3 6 5 . «.
Senecio hirfutus vifcidus major odoratus. Rail Syn.
1 7 8 .
G a t h e r e d by Dr. Smith about the chalk-pits at Dartford
in Kent, flowering in July. The root is annual. The whole
plant covered with a fetid vifcous liquor which retains fmall
infeds, dull and light fubftances in great abundance. The
ftem is much branched and ftraggling, not fimple and ered
as in Senecio fylvaticus. The flowers are in all their parts
twice as large as in that plant, but much more fcattered, and
lefs numerous, as well as of a brighter gold colour, and the
calyx is hairy. All thefe circumftances furely juftify us in
confidering them as diftind fpecies,