( 6 76 )
P Y R E T H R U M inodorum.
Corn Feverfew. Scentlefs May-weed.
/ s 8
SYNGENESIA Polygamia Juperfiua.
G en . C h a r . Recept. naked. Seeds crowned with a
membranous margin. Cal. hemifphaerical, imbricated
with fharpifh lcales, bordered with a membrane.
S p e c . C h a r . Leaves feflilc, pinnate, in many capillary
fegments. Stem branched, fpreading. Crown
of the feeds entire.
Syn. Chryfanthemum inodorum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1253.
TVitl. 734. Hull. 184. Relh. Suppl. 1. 14. Sibtb.
257* Abbot. 185.
Matricaria inodora. Hudf. 372.
Chamæmelum inodorum annuum humilias, foliis ob-
lcurè virentibus. Dill, in Raii Syn. 186.
V E R Y common in fields and by way-fides, efpecially on
a gravelly foil, flowering late in Autumn.
Root annual, tapering. W h o le herb aimoft deftitute o f any
peculiar fmell. Stem branched, fpreading, leafy, angular,
fmooth. Leaves feflile, pinnated in a lyrate manner; their
leaflets cut into numerous, very narrow, fmooth, fegments
each tipped with a little point.. Flowers terminal, tolitary,
large, on naked {talks. D ifk yellow, convex. Radius o f
many fpreading elliptic-oblong white obtufe florets, each tipped
with 3 teeth. Scales o f the calyx fmooth, furrounded with
an equal narrow brown membranous border. Receptacle conical,
blunt, naked. Seeds crowned with a membranous
undivided border. Mr. Crowe has obferved a variety with a
multiplied radius.
The naked receptacle eafily diftinguifhes this-plant from
every Antheniis, and the crowned feeds from Matricaria. B y
the crown being entire, not lobed, i f other marks were want-
ing, it may be known from M. maritima, another fpecies of
Pyrethrum. W e cannot help adopting this genus from Haller
and Gsertner, as it is difficult to form any thing like natural
genera in this order without adverting to the crown o f the feed.
T h e common Feverfew makes the third Britifli fpecies o f Pyrethrum,
having certainly the proper eflential charadter, though
Haller appears to have Overlooked it.