33 [ 1194 ]
GNAPHALIUM uligOinosum.
Marsh Cudweed.
SYNGENESIA Polygamia-superflua.
G en. Char. Recept. naked. Down rough or feathery.
Cal. imbricated; with coloured membranous scales.
Florets of the radius awl-shaped. Some florets of
the disk occasionally abortive.
Spec. Char. Stem much branched, spreading.
Flowers in terminal tufts.
Syn. Gnaphalium uliginosum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1200.
Sm. FI. Brit. 872. Huds. 361. With. 715.
Hull. 183. Relh. 324. Sibth. 251. Abbot. 180.
Dicks. H. Sicc. fasc. 2. 18.
G. longifolium humile ramosum capitulis nigris. Rail
Syn. 181.
T h i s species o f Gnaphalium is easily to be found on sandy
wet commons, where water has stood in winter, and is not
less easily known from every other o f British growth. Its very
numerous spreading branches, each terminated by a dense
head o f yellowish-brown shining flowers, encompassed with
many leaves, mark it sufficiently.
. The root is small and annual. Stem about a span high,
branched from the bottom, its branch.es spreading in all directions,
but erect at their extremities, alternately subdivided,
leafy, clothed with very white cottony down. Leaves alternate,
linear-lanceolate, taper at their base, woolly on both
sides, but less so than the stem. The flowers appear in August.
The calyx-scales are lanceolate, acute, o f a pale yellowish
brown. Florets all fertile, yellow. Receptacle reticulated.