
yo'b [ 65° ]
SENE CIO paludofus.
Marjh Groundfel. Bird's-tongue.
S Y N G E N E S I A Polygamia-fuperflua.
G en . C h a r . Recept. naked. Down Ample. Cal. cylindrical,
fcaly at the bafe ; fcales dead at the tip.
S p e c . C h a r . Radius fpreading. Leaves fword-fhaped,
fharply ferrated, fomewhat woolly beneath. Stem
perfectly ftraight.
S y n . Senecio paludofus. Linn. Sj>. PI. 1220. Hudf.
366. With. 725. Hull. 187. Relh. 317.
Virgae aureae five Solidagini anguftifolim affinis, Lingua
avis Dalechampii. Rail Syn. 1^6.
_ N ^ O p lant more rare th an th e prefent has hitherto appeared
in ou r w o rk. M r . Hu dfon admitted it on th e auth or ity o f R a y ;
b u t th e pla ce o f g row th h e mentions, near Streatham ferry in
th e I fle o f E ly , has m an y a tim e been fearched in v a in , fo that
m o ll b o tanifts ha v e fuppofed fom e th in g elfe had been miftaken
fo r it. M r . R e lh an however mentions L ittlep o r t, C h a tte r is,
and B u rw e ll fens as its Rations; and our fpecimen wa s found at
W a n g fo rd nea r Brand on, b y F ranc is E a g le ju n . E fq . and com mu
nica ted b y th e R e v . M r . H emfted. I t grows in deep in a c -
ceflib le fens and ditches, flow e r in g in Ju ne and J u ly .
Ro o t o f m an y lo n g Ample fibres, perennial. Stem from three
to fix feet or more m h e igh t, p erfec tly ftra igh t, up righ t and
Ample, le a fy , round, h o llow , ftriated, loofely clothed w ith c o t to
n y dow n , w h ich likewife invefts the y o u n g leaves an d flow e r -
ftalfes. L ea v e s fcattered, numerous, feflile, lanceolate, acu te ,
fharply fer ra ted; narrow and entire at the b a fe ; fmoo th a b o v e ;
pale, and generally dow ny, benea th . Flowers in a kind o f term
in a l corym bu s, the lowermoft ftalks arifing from the bofoms
o f th e upper leaves, Bra&eas aw l-fhap ed . Flowers above an
in ch in diameter, b r igh t-y e llow . Florets o f the radius linear,
five-to othed, fpreading, bu t little recurved. Receptacle fet w ith
fhort hairs betw een th e feeds, as is often the cafe in m an y plants
in w h ich th a t part is faid to b e naked, for thefe hairs are v ery
different from the lo n g cha ffy fcales to be found in fome genera.
T h e feed-down is rough.