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PYRETHRUM maritimum.
Sea Feverfew.
J / O j
SYNGENESIA Polygamta-fuperflua.
G en. C h a r . Recept. naked. Seeds crowned with a
membranous margin. Cal. hemifphærical, imbricated
with fharpifh fcales, bordered with a
S p e c . C h a r . Leaves bipinnate, flefhy, awnlefs ;
convex above; keeled beneath. Crown of the
feeds lobed.
Syn . Pyrethrum maritimum. Sm. FI. Brit. 9 0 1 .
Matricaria maritima. Linn. Sp. PI. 12 5 6 . Light/.\ox.
With. 7 3 6 . Hull. 184.
M. inodora y. Hud/. 3 7 3 .
Cbamæmelum maritimum perenne humilius, foliis
brevibus craffis, obfcurè virentibus. Dill, in Raii
Syn. 186. t. 7 . f . 1 ..
O l J R fpecimen o f this rare plant was gathered by the late
John Adams, Efq. in the loofe fand o f the thore of Manorbia
bay, about 6 miles from Pembroke. M r. Robfon has favoured
us with others from Durham. It is perennial, and flowers
about July or Auguft.
Several Items, various in length, fpread on the ground,
forming a fort o f tuft, being thickly clothed w ith leaves,"though
not much branched. T he y are fmooth, Alining, moltly pur-
plifli. Leaves feflile, doubly pinnate, o f a rather dark and
Alining green, fleAiy; the fegments Aiort, blunt, deflitute o f
any terminal awns, convex above, and more fo beneath.
Flowers terminal, folitary, not quite fo large as thofe o f P. in-
odorum, t. 676. Calyx fmooth, its fcales bordered with a very
narrow blackiAi membrane. Difle convex, yellow, broader
in proportion to the radius than in P . inodorum, from which
fpecies this flill more eflentially differs in having the crown o f
the feed divided into 3 or 4 lobes. The whole herb is Aightly
aromatic, and unqueftionably diflin ft from P . inodorum, with
wh ich Hudfon confounds it.