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GNAPHALIUM fylvaticum.
Highland Cudweed.
SYNGENES1A Polygamia-fup trflua.
G en\ Char. Recept. naked. Down rough or feathery.
Cal. imbricated; with coloured membranous fcales.
Florets of the radius awl-fhaped. Some florets
of the difk occafionally abortive.
Spe c. C har. Stem fimple, eredt. Flowers fpiked.
Leaves lanceolate, tapering at the bafe, woolly on
both tides.
Syh. Gnaphalium fylvaticum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1200.
Sm.Fl. Brit. 870. Light/. 472, variety. With. 713,
Hull. 183.
G. norvegicum. Retz. Prod. 193.
S o M E account o f this fpecies o f Gnaphalium will be found
in our 2d volume, p. 124, where our G. re£tum, which has
generally been confounded with it, is figured. The two plants
are indeed nearly akin, but we Hill think them diftindt.
T h a t now under confideration grows on feveral highland
mountains, and has been fent us wild by M r. G . Don , and
M r . J. Mackay ; the latter informs us it is not found in woods,
though Linnceus exprefsly aflerts the contrary, and we have no
reafon to think, from his definition in the FI. Lapp, or from
his herbarium, that he gathered both fpecies in Lapland,
though he confounded their fynonyms. I f he did, he is re-
fponfible both for his own error and the badnefs o f the fpecifie
T h e root is black, perennial, furnilhed with many fimple
fibres. Stem from 4 to 6 inches high, leafy, woolly. Leaves
alternate, lanceolate, entire, acute, narrow and elongated at
their bafe, clothed on both fides with white cottony down.
Spike terminal, leafy, denfe, almoft perfectly fimple, except
when very luxuriant. Flowers much like thofe o f G . re£lum,
except that the calyx-fcales are more compact, and much
blacker towards their extremities.