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B I D E N S cernua,
Nodding Bur Mary gold.
SYNGENESIA Polygamia-aqualis.
G en. Char. Recept. chaffy. Down formed of rigid
bridles, rough backwards. Cal. of many leaves.
Cor. fometimes radiated.
Spec. Char. Leaves lanceolate, ferrated. Flowers
drooping, leafy at their bafe. Bridles of the feed
about four, eredt.
Syn. Bidens cernua. Linn. Sp. PI. 1165. Sm. Fl.
Brit. 858. Hudf. 356. With. 705. Hull. 181.
Relh. 320. Sibth. 248. Abbot. 177. Curt.
Lond. fafc. 3., t. 55.
Verbedna pulchriore dore luteo. Rail Syn. 187.
L e s s common than the preceding fpecies, but not very
rare in ponds and ditches on a gravelly foil, growing in the
water and blofloming in September.
Root annual, branching. Stem often roughifh, and lefs
fpreading than the other. Leaves embracing the Item, undivided,
lanceolate, deeply ferrated. Flowers remarkably
drooping, larger and of a brighter yellow than thofe of B. tripartita
; the angles of the feeds moreover are lefs regularly
fpinous, and their bridles four indead of 2 or 3. Sometimes
the flowers are furnifhed with large radiant ligulate marginal
female florets, in which cafe the plant becomes Coreopjis
Bidens of Linnaeus, and is one proof among others that nature
has fixed no drift limits between the orders Volygamia-eequalis
and Polygamia-fuperjlua, the latter being fomewhat analogous
to double flowers in other clafles.
The Bidens minima of Linnaeus and others is only a ftarved
plant of this fpecies growing out of the water.