II I E R A C I U M maculatum.
Stained-leaved Hawkweed.
SYNGENESIA Polygamia-oequalis.
G en. C har. Recept. nearly naked, dotted. Cal. imbricated,
ovate. Down simple, sessile.
Spec. Char. Stem branched, many-leaved, cymose.
Leaves ovato-lanceolate, strongly toothed, the teeth
pointing forward.
Syn. Hieracium sylvaticum. Fl. Dan. t. 1113. Sm.
7V. o f Linn. Soc. v. 9. 240 /3, erasing the svn. o f
Ray and Dillenius.
H. murorum y. Sm. Fl. Brit. 830.
H. pulmonarioides. Fillars Dauph. v. 3. 133. t. 34?
B r o u g h t from Westmoreland to Norwich in 1781 by
Mr. Growe, from whose garden it has established itself in the
neighbourhood, spreading extensively by seed, and preserving
all its original habit and characters. By the authentic specimen
shown me this spring, by Mr. Hailstone, from Dr. Richardson’s
herbarium, this proves to be what Dillenius mentions
(at the bottom of p, 168 of his edition of Ray) as found
by Dr. Richardson at Lhyn y cwm, and which Dillenius supposed
the H. pulmonaria dictum angustifolium of R. Syn.
ed. 2. 74. See TV. o f L . Soc. v. 9• 238, where the latter is
proved to be Cineraria integrifolia.
Our present plant is taller, and has a more leafy stem, than
H. murorum, t. 2082, or even sylvaticum, t. 2031, differing
from the former in having rather elliptical than heartshaped
leaves, whose strong deep teeth all point forward and are by
no means radiated. The leaves are moreover strongly speckled
with black. From sylvaticum we now at length venture to
distinguish it specifically by the size of those teeth, but especially
by the cymose, not panicled, growth of its stem. The
flowers also are larger, more numerous, with a darker thicker
calyx, and the whole herbage is of a darker green. It is perennial,
and flowers occasionally throughout the summer and
autumn.------We are more and more inclined to think Villars’s
plant ihesame, its leaves being spotted likewise, to which his
name alludes. But the barbarous hybrid construction of that
name is best avoided. The stem in his is nearly solid, in
ours decidedly hollow, and we are not competent to say how
material that difference may be.