S A T Y R I U M hircinunj.
Lizard Satyr ion, or Orchis.
G T N A N D R I A Dlandria.
’G en. C har. NeSiary an inflated roundifh bag behind
the flower.
•Spec. C har. Bulbs round. Leaves lanceolate. Lip
in three fegments; the intermediate one very long,
twilled, linear, abruptly jagged at the tip.
S yn. Satyrium hircinum. Linn. Sp. PL 1337. HudJ.
FI. An. 386,» With. Bot. Arr. 979.
Orchis barbata foetida. Rail Syn. 376.
I t is with peculiar pleafure we prefent the public with f©
very rare and curious a plant as that which is here figured, and
•which was drawn from a wild fpecimen obligingly communicated
from the neighbourhood of Dartford by Mr. Lewin,
well known by his fine work on Britifh birds., Ever fince the
time of Ray it has been occafionally met with in that neigh-,
bourhood, though no where elfe in England ; but the gree-
dinefs of collectors has frequently endangered its total deftruc-
tion, and in fome feafons none can be found in flower. It is,
the largeft Englifh plant of this tribe, frequently attaining the
height of three feet, and producing from twenty to fixty or
more flowers, which appear in July, and are remarkable for
their fetid goat-like fmell. The upper part of the lip is downy,
and marked with elegant purple fpots on a white ground, other-
wife the flowers are more'Angular than beautiful. They dry
tolerably well. The plant loves a chalky foil, and {haded fitua-
tion among fhrubs and tall grafs.