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S E N E C I O tenuifolius.
Hoary Groundfel.
S YJV GENES IA Polygamia-fuperjiua,
G en. Char. Recept. naked. Down Ample. Cal
cylindrical, fcaly at the bafe; fcales dead at the tip.
Spec. Char. Radius threading. Leaves pinnatifid,
fomewhat revolute; paler and thaggy beneath/
Stem eredt, cottony.
S y n . Senecio tenuifolius. With. 7 2 3 . Jacq. Auftr.
t. 2 7 8 . Sym. Syn. 1 8 1 . Sibth. 2 5 3 .
S. erucifolius. Hudf. 3 6 6 . Relh. 3 1 6 . Abbot. 1 8 2 .
Curt. Lond.fafc. 5 . t. 6 4 .
Jacobaea Senecionis folio incano perennis. Rail
Syn. lyy.
S e n t from Holm near the fea, Norfolk, by the Rev. Mr.
Sutton. No plant is more variable in the appearance of its
foliage. On a calcareous foil, its favourite fituation, the leaves
are very much revolute, and quite white beneath with a thick
cottony web, of which the ftem always more or lefs partakes;
m damp ftady places they are almoft flat, and green, though
always paler and fomewhat fhaggy, on the under fide. Such
are the extremes of the two varieties marked by Dr. Withering,
but intermediate fpecimens are always to be found.
The root is perennial, moderately creeping. Stem Ample,
ereft, wand-like, 1 to 3 feet high, leafy, furrowed, fhaggy.
Leaves numerous, alternate, pinnatifid; the uppermoft with
linear, fegments, very little toothed. Flowers corymbofe, bright-
yellow. Calyx fcales broad, green, more or lefs woolly, with a
white membranous border, a little brownifh at the tip, though
lefs fo than m fome other fpecies; thofe at the bafe few and
fmall. Rays, broad, fpreading, but foon revolute. Seed-down
long, rough. It flowers in July and Auguft, and is not a verv
common plant.
This is certainly diftinft from S. erucifolius of Linnams, the
authentic fpecimen of which from Scania, defcribed in both editions
of Sp. PI. though with wrong fynonyms, much more nearly
refemblesS.Jylvatieus, of whichl am inclined tothinkita variety.