S O N C H U S arvenfis.
Corn Sow-thijlle,
S Y N G E N E S I A Polygamia-aqualis.
G en. Char. Receptacle naked. Cal. imbricated, fwell-
insf O at the bale. Down fimpf le, feffilc.
Spec. Char, Flower ftalks and calyx briftly, tbme-
what umbellate. Leaves runcinate, denticulated,
heart-fhaped at the bate. Root creeping.
Syn. Sonchus arvenfis, Linn. Sp. PI. 1116. Hudf.
337. With. 674. Hull. 177. Relh. 291. Sibth.
237. Abbot. 169. Curt. Lond. fafc. 4. t. 53.
S. repens, multis Hieracium majus. Rail Syn. 163.
T H I S is a common and pernicious weed in corn-fields,
though not of fo general occurrence as the S. oleraceus. It
is perennial, flowering in July and Auguft.
Root creeping, milky, compofed of oblong flethy branches,
which render it very difficult to be extirpated. Stem 3 0^4
feet high, erect, but little branched, roundifh, hollow, leafy.
Leaves runcinate, fharpith, fmooth, fringed with little fpinous
teeth ; the upper ones heart-fhaped at the bafe, and embracing
the Item; the uppermofl: of all entire. Panicle fomewhat cy-
mofe or umbellate, terminal, of few flowers. The calyx,
flower-ftalks, and upper part of the Item are all clothed with
fpreading brown glandular briftles. Flowers very large and
confpicuous, of a bright gold-colour, externally reddifli. Each
floret has a hairy tube. Seeds furrowed. Down fmooth.